A Coq proof of a theorem which turns a formula containing y into a formula containing f(x)


I am trying to prove:

forall (T U : Type) (P : T -> U -> Prop), (forall x : T, exists y : U, P x y) -> exists f : T -> U, forall x : T, P x (f x)

In plain English, what I am trying to do is express the ability to turn y into f(x) in a formula. For example, changing y = x + 1 to f(x) = x + 1.

A proof of the goal with the implication arrow reversed (turning f(x) into y) takes 4 lines. However, with this goal I can't think of anything to do after intros.

I'm not even sure this is possible in Coq. If not, is there a better way to express what I'm trying to do?


Your result is a form of the axiom of choice and cannot be proved in Coq without extra axioms. The problem is that in order to construct f you need to extract the element y : U from the proof of exists y, P x y. This is forbidden in Coq by design, to ensure that proofs have no computational significance.

A way to get around this restriction is to replace the usual existential by its computationally relevant counterpart. We then get what Bob Harper calls the theorem of choice:

forall (T U : Type) (P : T -> U -> Prop), (forall x : T, {y : U | P x y}) -> exists f : T -> U, forall x : T, P x (f x)

forall (T U : Type) (P : T -> U -> Prop), (forall x : T, {y : U | P x y}) -> exists f : T -> U, forall x : T, P x (f x)
T, U: Type
P: T -> U -> Prop
H: forall x : T, {y : U | P x y}

exists f : T -> U, forall x : T, P x (f x)
T, U: Type
P: T -> U -> Prop
H: forall x : T, {y : U | P x y}

forall x : T, P x (proj1_sig (H x))
T, U: Type
P: T -> U -> Prop
H: forall x : T, {y : U | P x y}
x: T

P x (proj1_sig (H x))
now apply proj2_sig. Qed.