All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted


I have the following GADT.

Inductive GADT : Type -> Type :=
| A : forall A, GADT A
| B : GADT bool.

And the following data type that has one constructor with an all-qualified type variable.

Inductive Wrap A :=
| wrap : GADT A -> Wrap A
| unwrap : forall X, GADT X -> (X -> Wrap A) -> Wrap A.

Then I want to define a recursive function that uses the function within unwrap.

The command has indeed failed with message: In environment wrappedGADT : forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A) A : Type xs : Wrap A T : Type fx : GADT T k : T -> Wrap A The term "true" has type "bool" while it is expected to have type "T".

I was assuming that when I inspect fx and get case B, the parameter fx has type GADT bool, thus, the all-quantified type variable X is bool as well. Is this assumption wrong?

Next, I tried to explicitly type unwrap as follows.

The command has indeed failed with message: In environment wrappedGADT : forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A) A : Type xs : Wrap A bool : Type fx : GADT bool k : bool -> Wrap A The term "true" has type "Datatypes.bool" while it is expected to have type "bool".

Can anybody give any pointers to the origin of this problem?

Answer (Daniel Schepler)

Unfortunately, raw match statements in Coq aren't always very smart about the kind of reasoning you're applying here. The "convoy pattern" (see CPDT for more information about it) is usually the answer for resolving this type of problem. The immediate application here would look something like:

Fixpoint wrappedGADT {A} (xs : Wrap A) {struct xs} : option (GADT A) :=
  match xs with
  | wrap _ x => Some x
  | unwrap _ _ fx k => match fx in (GADT T)
                             return ((T -> Wrap A) -> option (GADT A)) with
                       | A _ => fun k0 => None
                       | B => fun k0 => wrappedGADT (k0 true)
                       end k

However, this runs into another issue, that Coq isn't able to verify the termination condition after passing the function through the "convoy". It seems that to work around that, it suffices to first define the function of recursive calls on values of k and then convoy that instead:

Fixpoint wrappedGADT {A} (xs : Wrap A) {struct xs} : option (GADT A) :=
  match xs with
  | wrap _ x => Some x
  | unwrap _ _ fx k =>
      let r := fun x => wrappedGADT (k x) in
      match fx in (GADT T)
            return ((T -> option (GADT A)) -> option (GADT A)) with
      | A _ => fun _ => None
      | B => fun r' => r' true
      end r

For your second code attempt, you're creating a local variable bool to hold the type called X in the unwrap constructor, which is then shadowing the Datatypes.bool definition. In general, there's no way to match only on one specific type in the Coq kernel language (although typeclasses provide a way to simulate that, somewhat).

Answer (Anton Trunov)

Here is an alternative implementation, which constructs wrappedGADT's body using tactics. It has one advantage that it doesn't require manual return annotations from the user. The overall structure closely resembles your original code with the match expression.

It is crucial to use induction xs as opposed to destruct xs here, because the Wrap type is recursive.

wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A: Type
xs: Wrap A

option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A: Type

option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A, X: Type
fx: GADT X
k: X -> Wrap A
r: X -> option (GADT A)
option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A: Type

option (GADT A)
exact (Some x).
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A, X: Type
fx: GADT X
k: X -> Wrap A
r: X -> option (GADT A)

option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A, T: Type
k: T -> Wrap A
r: T -> option (GADT A)

option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A: Type
k: bool -> Wrap A
r: bool -> option (GADT A)
option (GADT A)
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A, T: Type
k: T -> Wrap A
r: T -> option (GADT A)

option (GADT A)
exact None.
wrappedGADT': forall A : Type, Wrap A -> option (GADT A)
A: Type
k: bool -> Wrap A
r: bool -> option (GADT A)

option (GADT A)
exact (r true). Defined.

Here is a proof that the two implementations are extensionally equal.

forall (A : Type) (xs : Wrap A), wrappedGADT xs = wrappedGADT' xs

forall (A : Type) (xs : Wrap A), wrappedGADT xs = wrappedGADT' xs
A: Type
xs: Wrap A

wrappedGADT xs = wrappedGADT' xs
A, X: Type
w: X -> Wrap A
H: forall x : X, wrappedGADT (w x) = wrappedGADT' (w x)

wrappedGADT (unwrap A X g w) = wrappedGADT' (unwrap A X g w)
A: Type
w: bool -> Wrap A
H: forall x : bool, wrappedGADT (w x) = wrappedGADT' (w x)

wrappedGADT (unwrap A bool B w) = wrappedGADT' (unwrap A bool B w)
simpl; rewrite H; destruct (w true)... Qed.

If we look at the term generated for wrappedGADT' (using Print wrappedGADT'.), we'll be able to construct one more solution using the Wrap_rect induction principle generated for the Wrap datatype (I just removed unused variable k from the match expression in wrappedGADT'):

Definition wrappedGADT'' {A} (xs : Wrap A) : option (GADT A) :=
  Wrap_rect _
            (fun t => Some t)
            (fun _ fx k r =>
               match fx in (GADT T)
                     return ((T -> option (GADT A)) -> option (GADT A)) with
               | A _ => fun _ => None
               | B => fun r' => r' true
               end r)

This solution can then lead to a solution a-la Daniel's, if we unfold Wrap_rect, implemented as Fixpoint itself.