Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
Assume I have an existential proposition P about the natural numbers, for example
Definition P (n : nat) : Prop := exists k : nat, True.
Assume also that I have proved P for all numbers,
forall n : nat, P nforall n : nat, P nn: natP ntrivial. Defined.n: natTrue
Then I have a witness k for all n (k is always 0 in the previous example) and I want to assert something about all ks, such as
except this does not compile, I get the above error. I don't understand what is of sort Type here, everything looks in Prop. I am only trying to build a proof, why isn't Coq happy? In my complete problem, P is much more complicated and it does make sense to prove something about all witnesses.
A (eponier): This is Prop that is in Type! k <= 1 has type Prop which is not in Prop. Instead, for instance, I is a proof of True which is in Prop. I don't known how to solve your problem, however.
Elaborating on @eponier's comment, when you write
you are actually writing
When you have return Prop, the return type Prop has type Type, while it must have type Prop to satisfy the elimination restriction. Basically, if you lift this restriction, you make Coq inconsistent with classical logic. See, for example, the official documentation of Prop, Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type "or":, or CPDT on universes.
Another way of looking at this is that, if you do not have any axioms, it must be possible to interpret all Props as either the singleton set (if they are true) or the empty set (if they are false). There is no non-constant function out of a singleton set, so you cannot define any interesting properties over a proof of exists k : nat, True.
The simplest way to fix this is to stop using Prop. Instead use sigma (sig) types to say:
Definition P (n : nat) := { k : nat | True }.forall n : nat, P nforall n : nat, P nn: natP ntrivial. Defined. Definition allWitnessesBelowOne : Prop := forall n : nat, match allP n with | exist _ k _ => k <= 1 end.n: natTrue
An alternative definition of this last one is
Definition allWitnessesBelowOne : Prop :=
forall n : nat,
proj1_sig (allP n) <= 1.
The other thing you can do is that you can do everything continuation passing style:
Definition P (n : nat) : Prop := exists k:nat, True.forall n : nat, P nforall n : nat, P nn: natP ntrivial. Defined.n: natTruen: nat
Result: P n -> Prop(forall (k : nat) (pf : (fun _ : nat => True) k), k <= 1 -> Result (ex_intro (fun _ : nat => True) k pf)) -> Result (allP n)n: nat
Result: P n -> Prop(forall (k : nat) (pf : (fun _ : nat => True) k), k <= 1 -> Result (ex_intro (fun _ : nat => True) k pf)) -> Result (allP n)apply H; repeat constructor. Defined.n: nat
Result: P n -> Prop
H: forall (k : nat) (pf : True), k <= 1 -> Result (ex_intro (fun _ : nat => True) k pf)Result (ex_intro (fun _ : nat => True) 0 I)
Here, Result determines the Prop that you'll ultimately be proving. This lemma says that whenever you're trying to prove a Result about allP n, you can assume that you're proving a Result about a value that is <= 1. This is rather complicated, though, so I would suggest just dropping Prop if you can manage it.