Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
To illustrate the issue I am facing let us assume we have a predicate on nat:
Parameter pred : nat -> Prop.
Let us assume further that we have a type which encapsulates data, as well as a proof that the encapsulated data satisfies a certain property. For example:
Inductive obj : Type :=
| c : forall (n : nat), pred n -> obj.
Now we would like to regard two objects c n p and c m q to be the same objects as long as n = m, regardless of the proofs involved to build them. So let us introduce a proof irrelevance axiom:
Axiom irrel : forall (P : Prop) (p q : P), p = q.
Now given this axiom, it is expected that the equality c n p = c m q be provable for n = m:
forall (n m : nat) (p : pred n) (q : pred m),
n = m -> c n p = c m q
Now I have been playing around with this for a while, and none of the typical rewrite tactics can work as they create ill-typed terms. I am guessing the theorem should be true within Coq's type theory (given the proof irrelevance axiom) but probably involves some trick unknown to a beginner. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
n, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred mn = m -> c n p = c m qn, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred mn = m -> c n p = c m qm: nat
p, q: pred mc m p = c m qreflexivity. Qed.m: nat
p, q: pred mc m q = c m q
Let me show how one can use information containing in error messages to come up with a solution:
n, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred mn = m -> c n p = c m qn, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred mn = m -> c n p = c m qn, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred m
E: n = mc n p = c m qn, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred m
E: n = mc n p = c m q
At this point we get the following error message:
The rewrite tactic tried to build the proof term using eq_ind_r lemma. Let us look at its type:
rewrite tries to build the following term:
@eq_ind_r _ m (fun x => c x p = c m q) (subgoal : c m p = c m q) n E.
which is ill-typed:
This means that the link between n and pred n has been lost at this point and we can restore it by saying explicitly that x and p must comply with each other by generalizing over p:
n, m: nat
p: pred n
q: pred m
E: n = mc n p = c m q
The above means we can proceed to finish the proof in the following manner:
n, m: nat
q: pred m
E: n = mforall p : pred n, c n p = c m qn, m: nat
q: pred m
E: n = mforall p : pred m, c m p = c m qn, m: nat
q: pred m
E: n = m
p: pred mc m p = c m qreflexivity. Qed.n, m: nat
q: pred m
E: n = m
p: pred mc m q = c m q
The original version of the code uses intro-pattern intros -> to achieve the effect of the longer intros E; revert p; rewrite E; intros p. for this particular case.