Characteristic function of a union
In a constructive setting such as Coq's, I expect the proof of a disjunction A \/ B to be either a proof of A, or a proof of B. If I reformulate this on subsets of a type X, it says that if I have a proof that x is in A union B, then I either have a proof that x is in A, or a proof that x is in B. So I want to define the characteristic function of a union by case analysis,
X: Type
A, B: X -> Prop
x: X
un: A x \/ B x
It will be equal to 1 when x is in A, and to 0 when x is in B. However Coq does not let me
Is there another way in Coq to model subsets of type X, that would allow me to construct those characteristic functions on unions? I do not need to extract programs, so I guess simply disabling the previous error on case analysis would work for me.
Mind that I do not want to model subsets as A : X -> bool. That would be unecessarily stronger: I do not need laws of excluded middle such as "either x is in A or x is not in A".
Answer (ejgallego)
As pointed out by @András Kovács, Coq prevents you from "extracting" computationally relevant information from types in Prop in order to allow some more advanced features to be used. There has been a lot of research on this topic, including recently Univalent Foundations / HoTT, but that would go beyond the scope of this question.
In your case you want indeed to use the type { A } + { B } which will allow you to do what you want.
Answer (András Kovács)
I think the union of subsets should be a subset as well. We can do this by defining union as pointwise disjunction:
Definition subset (X : Type) : Type := X -> Prop. Definition union {X : Type} (A B : subset X) : subset X := fun x => A x \/ B x.