Church numerals and universe inconsistency
In the following code, the statement add'_commut is accepted by Coq but add_commut is rejected because of a universe inconsistency.
Set Universe Polymorphism. Definition nat : Type := forall (X : Type), X -> (X -> X) -> X. Definition succ (n : nat) : nat := fun X z s => s (n X z s). Definition add' (m n : nat) : nat := fun X z s => m X (n X z s) s. Definition nat_rec (z : nat) (s : nat -> nat) (n : nat) : nat := n nat z s. Definition add (m n : nat) : nat := nat_rec n succ m. Definition equal (A : Type) (a : A) : A -> Type := fun a' => forall (P : A -> Type), P a -> P a'.Admitted.m, n: natequal nat (add' m n) (add' n m)
How to make it go through?
Church numerals only work if you turn on impredicative Set, by putting -arg -impredicative-set into your _CoqProject file or using -impredicative-set command line option. Then define nat as:
Impredicative Set allows nat to have exactly the same type Set which it quantifies over. Without impredicativity, nat must have a higher universe level than what it quantifies over, although the levels are hidden from you until you get an error like in the question.
Note that impredicative Set is incompatible with classical logic.