Coq: a left-recursive notation must have an explicit level
I have seen a Coq notation definition for "evaluates to" as follows:
Notation "e '||' n" := (aevalR e n) : type_scope.
I am trying to change the symbol '||' to something else as || is often times used for logical or. However, I always get an error
For example, this happens when I change '||' to:
'\|/', '\||/', '|_|', '|.|', '|v|', or '|_'.
Is there something special about || here? and how should I fix it to make these other notations work (if possible)?
If I am right, if you overload a notation, Coq uses the properties of the first definition. The notation _ '||' _ has already a level, so Coq uses this level for your definition.
But with new symbols, Coq cannot do that, and you have to specify the level:
Notation "e '|.|' n" := (aevalR e n) (at level 50) : type_scope.
For already defined notations, this is even stronger than what I wrote above. You cannot redefine the level of a notation. Try for example: