Coq: a single notation for multiple constructors
Is it possible to define a single notation for multiple constructors in Coq? If the constructors differ by their argument types, they might be inferrable from them. A minimal (non-)working example:
Inductive A : Set := a | b | c : C -> A | d : D -> A with C : Set := c1 | c2 with D : Set := d1 | d2. Notation "' x" := (_ x) (at level 19).
In this case, constructor inference doesn't work. Maybe there's another way to specify a constructor as a variable?
Answer (Daniel Schepler)
You can create a typeclass with the constructors as instances and let the instance resolution mechanism infer the constructor to call for you:
Class A_const (X : Type) : Type := a_const : X -> A. Instance A_const_c : A_const C := c. Instance A_const_d : A_const D := d.
By the way, with Coq 8.5, if you really want a notation ' x to result in the exact constructor applied to x, rather than e.g. @a_const C A_const_c c1, then you can use ltac-terms to accomplish that:
A: Indeed; depending on the particular application using a Canonical Structure could work very well here too.
Answer (Daniel Schepler)
In fact, the idea of using an ltac-term leads to an entirely different solution from the other one I posted:
(Here the eval hnf part lets it work even if the type of the argument isn't syntactically equal to C or D, but it does reduce to one of them.)