Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
I'm working on my own implementation of vectors in Coq, and I'm running into a bizarre problem.
Here is my code thus far:
Set Implicit Arguments. Inductive Fin : nat -> Type := | FZ : forall n, Fin (S n) | FS : forall n, Fin n -> Fin (S n).A: TypeFin 0 -> Ainversion e. Defined. Inductive Vec (A : Type) : nat -> Type := | Nil : Vec A 0 | Cons : forall n, A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (S n). Definition head (A : Type) (n : nat) (v : Vec A (S n)) : A := match v with | Cons a _ => a end. Definition tail (A : Type) (n : nat) (v : Vec A (S n)) : Vec A n := match v with | Cons _ w => w end.A: Type
e: Fin 0A
Everything up to tail compiles fine, but when I try to compile index, I receive the following error:
Clearly, the culprit is that Coq introduces the new variable n0 instead of assigning j the type Fin m, even though this is the only possible type for j which would result in i being built from j. Any idea why this would happen, and how I might be able to resolve this issue?
Answer (eponier)
Note that you do not need to pattern-match against n, but only against the argument of type Fin n. The resulting definition is simpler.
Fixpoint index {A : Type} {n : nat} (i : Fin n) : Vec A n -> A :=
match i in Fin n0 return Vec A n0 -> A with
| FZ _ => fun v => head v
| FS j => fun v => index j (tail v)
Coq is actually cleaver enough to guess the annotations.
Fixpoint index {A : Type} {n : nat} (i : Fin n) : Vec A n -> A :=
match i with
| FZ _ => fun v => head v
| FS j => fun v => index j (tail v)
A (Anton Trunov): This one feels like magic -- simple argument swapping solves the problem instantaneously. Nice!
A: I did not realize that I switched the arguments. Another difference with the original function: the decreasing argument is i, not n.
A (Anton Trunov): Yes, however if you start with pattern-mathing on a vector (as in my answer), you will have to use something like the convoy pattern (see larsr's answer). So that swap is actually a big deal.
Answer (ejgallego)
I find Vec and Fin very hard to use in general, so these days I use 'I_n and n.-tuples T from math-comp, which are just naturals and lists with an irrelevant proof attached. However, if you want to continue the fun of complex pattern matches, you could try to define a stronger pattern matching principle:
Definition fin_case T m (i : Fin m) : T -> (Fin (pred m) -> T) -> T :=
match i with
| FZ _ => fun fn fz => fn
| FS j => fun fn fz => fz j
Once you have fin_case, you function definition works:
Fixpoint index (A : Type) (n : nat) : Vec A n -> Fin n -> A :=
match n as n return Vec A n -> Fin n -> A with
| 0 => fun _ i => emptyf _ i
| S m => fun v i => fin_case i (head v) (index (tail v))
Q: Thanks for the reply, but It seems to me like this just pushes the problem onto how to define fin_case. No matter what I try, I still run into the same problem. Would you mind sharing the definition you have in mind?
A: Updated, a couple of comments:
Note that this "pushing the problem onto" is indeed more than that and a crucial tool in Coq style dependent programming.
There are many other ways to solve these kind of problems, indeed, writing a proper match still feels like a bit of an art.
Answer (Anton Trunov)
Just to add to the other answers, a tactic-based solution:
index: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
v: Vec A n
i: Fin nAindex: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
i: Fin 0Aindex: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)Aexact (emptyf A i).index: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
i: Fin 0Aindex: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)Aindex: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)
n0: nat
H: n0 = nAindex: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)
n0: nat
i': Fin n
H: n0 = nAexact h.index: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)
n0: nat
H: n0 = nAexact (index _ _ tl i'). Defined.index: forall (A : Type) (n : nat), Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
A: Type
n: nat
h: A
tl: Vec A n
i: Fin (S n)
n0: nat
i': Fin n
H: n0 = nA
The inversion tactic takes care of the "information loss". If you try to Print index. the result won't be pretty, but Coq essentially uses the convoy pattern @larsr has mentioned.
Notice that this approach doesn't use pattern-matching on n. It pattern-matches on the vector argument instead, that's why it doesn't need the head and tail functions.
Answer (larsr)
When you use match you can lose information. I used the convoy pattern to get the info back into the context.
match i in Fin (S n0) return n0 = m -> A with
... => fun H : n0 = m => ...
end eq_refl
enables Coq to get the info n0 = m into the context. It is sent into the match clauses as a function parameter. To use it in the type check I use (match H with ... end) so that Coq understands that Fin n0 = Fin m. This is the solution.
Fixpoint index (A : Type) (n : nat) : Vec A n -> Fin n -> A :=
match n as n return Vec A n -> Fin n -> A with
| 0 => fun _ i => emptyf _ i
| S m => fun v i =>
match i in Fin (S n') return n' = m -> A with
| FZ _ => fun _ => head v
| FS j => fun H => index (tail v) (match H with eq_refl _ => j end)
end eq_refl
When the type checking doesn't understand that two things are equal, usually the convoy pattern can help you get that info into the context. I also recommend using refine to incrementally build up the term. It let's you see what information there is in the context.
A: A simple
Definition cast (m n : nat) (i : Fin m) (H : m = n) : Fin n :=
eq_rec m Fin i n H.
might make the code a bit easier to read ((match H with eq_refl _ => j end) gets replaced by (cast j H)).
A: A comment on the solutions using equality casts, (including the one with inversion) is that they may not compute/reduce properly inside Coq, needing additional rewrites.