Coq: coercion/subtyping between complex expressions


I've got an impression that it's impossible in Coq. For example

Parameter Arg : Type.
Parameter F X XP : Arg.
Parameter S P I PLS PI : Arg -> Type.
Parameter tree car : P X.
Parameter mary john : PLS XP.
Parameter c : PLS XP -> P XP.
Coercion c : PLS XP >-> P XP.
(* Syntax error: '>->' expected after [vernac:class_rawexpr] (in
   [vernac:gallina_ext]). *)

So not only must the types of the expressions next to >-> be Set, Type or Prop, the expressions themselves must also be syntactically elementary ("rawexpressions" in Gallina?)? How to bypass this; can I form a coercion between complex expression? Is there another way to define a subtype in Coq, one which would work w/ complex expressions? Can I do better than

Let nui := PLS XP.
Let hui := P XP.
Parameter c : nui -> hui.
Coercion c : nui >-> hui.
Parameter st : P XP -> Type.
Check st (c mary). (* st mary : Type *)
Check st mary.
(* Error: The term "mary" has type "PLS XP" while it is expected
   to have type "P XP".*)

Answer (ejgallego)

IMVHO, the setup of the problem is looking very complicated; I am not sure this modeling method will be effective (in the sense of efficient).

If you really want to go that route, note that Coercions have very particular rules; if you want to use them you'll have to get familiar with chapter 18 of the manual. In particular, I think that parameters cannot be made a source class so you will have to add some wrapping:

Parameter Arg : Type.
Parameter F X XP : Arg.
Parameter S P I PLS PI : Arg -> Type.
Parameter tree car : P X.
Parameter mary john : PLS XP.
Parameter c : PLS XP -> P XP.

Inductive p_wrap := p_wrap_C : PLS XP -> p_wrap.
Coercion u_cast x := match x with | p_wrap_C u => u   end.
Coercion c_cast x := match x with | p_wrap_C u => c u end.

Parameter st: P XP -> Type.
Definition Mary := p_wrap_C mary.
st (c Mary) : Type
st Mary : Type

YMMV. Note that the general subType class in ssreflect doc may provide some help on how to make a generic coercion framework.

Q: Good! I didn't know you can define coercions without a prior function declaration. All this is indeed complex (it's mostly my and the manual's fault). I tried something under chapter 18; Examples (will probably make it into an answer after some sleep)

Q: It's very confusing that you can define a coercion:

Parameter c : PLS XP -> P XP.
c does not respect the uniform inheritance condition [uniform-inheritance,typechecker]
[c] : PLS >-> P

and yet there's no coercion:

Check mary : P XP.
(* Error: The term "mary" has type "PLS XP" while it is expected
   to have type "P XP". *)

So the real problem is fulfilling the uniform inheritance condition. P x is a superset of PLS x, which is an intersection of P x, L x and S x. So I might even pretend that c is "a coercion which must be explicitly specified"

A: I agree is very confusing; in practice it seems that "does not respect the uniform inheritance" means "your coercion will never be considered for application".

Answer (jaam)

After trying this, that and whatnot, the solution was surprisingly easy. There were two steps my question was missing:

  1. You can coerce functions towards one another, i.e. Coercion c : PLS >-> P works

  2. To avoid breaking the "uniform inheritance condition", you must define the function you want to make into a coercion in its general (forall) form

In sum:

Parameter Arg : Type.
Parameter F X XP : Arg.
Parameter S P I PLS PI : Arg -> Type.
Parameter tree car : P X.
Parameter mary john : PLS XP.
Parameter c : forall x : Arg, PLS x -> P x.
Coercion c : PLS >-> P.
mary : P XP : P XP