Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?


Consider the following toy development:

Inductive IsEven : nat -> Prop :=
| is_even_z : IsEven 0
| is_even_S : forall n, IsEven n -> IsEven (S (S n)).

Definition EvenNat := {n | IsEven n}.

I'd like to create a function that, given a number that I personally know to be even, returns the corresponding value of type EvenNat with minimum fuss.

Example fortyTwo : EvenNat := mkEven 42.

Answer (Théo Winterhalter)

I don't know exactly what your assumptions are but I would say one way of doing it is to use the automation capabilities of type classes:

Require Import Coq.Init.Specif.

Inductive IsEven : nat -> Prop :=
| is_even_z : IsEven 0
| is_even_S : forall n, IsEven n -> IsEven (S (S n)).

Class EvenClass n :=
  is_even : IsEven n.

Definition EvenNat := { n | EvenClass n }.

forall n : nat, EvenClass n -> IsEven n

forall n : nat, EvenClass n -> IsEven n
n: nat
h: EvenClass n

IsEven n
exact h. Qed. #[export] Hint Extern 1 (EvenClass 0) => apply is_even_z : typeclass_instances. #[export] Hint Extern 1 (EvenClass (S (S ?n))) => apply is_even_S; apply EvenClass_IsEven : typeclass_instances. #[export] Hint Extern 1 (EvenClass (proj1_sig ?x)) => apply proj2_sig : typeclass_instances. #[export] Hint Extern 4 (EvenClass ?n) => my_decision_procedure : typeclass_instances.

Instead of defining instances, I use the Hint Extern mechanism to inject any tactic I want to solve the goal. Assuming you have a tactic to decide your property you can use it there. The natural number indicates the "cost" to each hint so the search will try to apply the hints with the lowest costs first.

Once you have this, the function you want is

Definition mkEven (n : nat) {h : EvenClass n} : EvenNat :=
  exist _ n h.

Then just writing mkEven n will trigger the proof search as described by the hints above.

Definition ev := mkEven 42.

To elaborate the difference between Yves's and my answer, I chose to use hints rather than class instances so that the proof search is not too greedy.

For instance, I force the search to only use is_even_z when I really want to prove EvenClass 0, as exemplified by the example below:

exists n : nat, EvenClass n

exists n : nat, EvenClass n

EvenClass ?n
The command has indeed failed with message: Unable to satisfy the following constraints: ?e : "EvenClass ?n"

EvenClass ?n

EvenClass 0

EvenClass 0
exact _. Qed.

exists n : nat, EvenClass n

exists n : nat, EvenClass n

EvenClass ?n
exact _. Qed.

As you can see, in the first case, we have EvenClass ?n as a goal, and so the proof search does not find any candidate. However, if we add the 0 case as a type class instance, then the proof search will succeed by unifying ?n with 0. It is my belief that this is doing a bit too much for the case at hand here, but both solutions have their applications.

Answer (Yves)

The question, as originally stated, has an obvious answer.

Question A: If you have in your context a number n of type nat and a proof knowledge with statement IsEven n, how do you construct an object of type EvenNat?

you can simply construct an object of type EvenNat by writing the following expression

exist _ n knowledge

Or, if you really want to be explicit:

exist IsEven n knowledge

This is embodied in the following script

Inductive IsEven : nat -> Prop :=
| is_even_z : IsEven 0
| is_even_S : forall n, IsEven n -> IsEven (S (S n)).

Definition EvenNat := {n | IsEven n}.

Definition mkEven (n : nat) (knowledge : IsEven n) : EvenNat :=
  exist IsEven n knowledge.

Another reading of the question is as follows:

Question B: how do you construct an object of type EvenNat from a known constant (like 42) which is obviously even to the naked eye?

Here is my elaboration of a solution sketched by Theo Winterhalter, using the device of type classes in full.

Require Import Coq.Init.Specif.

Inductive IsEven : nat -> Prop :=
| is_even_z : IsEven 0
| is_even_S : forall n, IsEven n -> IsEven (S (S n)).

Definition EvenNat := {n | IsEven n}.

Definition makeEvenNat (n : nat) (knowledge : IsEven n) : EvenNat :=
  exist IsEven n knowledge.

Class EvenClass n : Prop :=
  is_even : IsEven n.

EvenClass 0

EvenClass 0
apply is_even_z. Qed.
n: nat
h: EvenClass n

EvenClass (S (S n))
n: nat
h: EvenClass n

EvenClass (S (S n))
n: nat
h: EvenClass n

IsEven n
exact h. Qed. (* Using curly braces for the second argument h here deserves an explanation. *) Definition mkEven (n : nat) {h : EvenClass n} : EvenNat := exist IsEven n h. Definition ev42 := mkEven 42.

proj1_sig ev42 = 42

proj1_sig ev42 = 42
easy. Qed.

IsEven 42

IsEven 42
exact (proj2_sig ev42). Qed.

The explanation for using curly braces in the definition of mkEven is that mkEven actually requires 2 arguments, but the second one is not written by the user: it must be automatically constructed using the type class inference mechanism. This proof must succeed for the object to be actually defined.

The definition of ev42 is the answer of question B. Note that a definition relying on mkEven 3 will fail, because no proof that 3 is even can be found.

The command has indeed failed with message: The following term contains unresolved implicit arguments: (mkEven 3) More precisely: - ?h: Cannot infer the implicit parameter h of mkEven whose type is "EvenClass 3" (no type class instance found).