Coq: How are the equality tactics symmetry and transitivity defined?
I'm interested in how the Coq tactics symmetry and transitivity actually work. I've read the Coq manual but this only describes what they do, not how they operate on a proof and change the proof states. As an example of what I'm looking for, in Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development, the authors state that "The reflexivity tactic actually is synonymous with apply refl_equal" (p. 124). But, the author refers the reader to the reference manual for symmetry and transitivity. I haven't found a good description of things that these two tactics are synonymous with in the same way.
For clarification, the reason why I ask is that I have defined a path space paths {A : UU} : A -> A -> UU notated a = b (like in UniMath) which acts like an equivalence relation except for that a = b is not a proposition but a type. For this reason I was unable to add this relation as an equivalence relation using Add Parametric Relation. I'm trying to cook up a version of symmetry and transitivity with Ltac for this path space relation but I don't know how to change the proof state; knowing how symmetry and transitivity actually work might help.
These tactics only apply the lemmas corresponding to symmetry and transitivity of the relation it finds in the goal. These are found using the type classes mechanism.
For instance you could declare
From Coq Require Import RelationClasses.Transitive R
which would ask you to prove R is transitive and then you would be able to use the tactic transitivity to prove R x y.