Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program


I want to write this recursive variant of gcd as simply and "naturally" as possible in Coq.

Require Import Arith.
Require Import Program.

Program Fixpoint gcd (a b : nat) {measure b} :=
  if 0 <? b then gcd b (a mod b) else a.
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat

a mod b < b
(* Here I need to prove that `a mod b < b` *)
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat

b <> 0

Now I need to prove that b <> 0 but I have lost the info that we are in the 0 <? b = false branch.

1 subgoal a, b : nat gcd : nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat ============================ b <> 0

How do I keep the information from the if statement?

I know I could use match, but how to I write it with if?

Program Fixpoint gcd (a b : nat) {measure b} :=
  match b with 0 => a | S b' => gcd b (a mod b) end.
a, b': nat
gcd: nat -> forall b : nat, b < S b' -> nat

a mod S b' < S b'
a, b': nat
gcd: nat -> forall b : nat, b < S b' -> nat

S b' <> 0
(* Goal: S b' <> 0 *) congruence. Defined.

=== EDIT ===

I noticed that Coq (in more recent versions?) remembers the association between 0 <? b and the match patterns (true or false in this case). Or is it a feature of Program? Anyway, I thought that if essentially was expanded into this match statement, but apparently it isn't...

Program Fixpoint gcd (a b : nat) {measure b} : nat:=
  match 0 <? b with
  | true => gcd b (a mod b)
  | false => a
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat
Heq_anonymous: true = (0 <? b)

a mod b < b
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat
Heq_anonymous: true = (0 <? b)

b <> 0
(* now we have ` true = (0 <? b)` in the assumptions, and the goal `b <> 0` *) now destruct b. Defined.

A: This is a related question.


One can use lt_dec to do that.

lt_dec = fun n m : nat => le_dec (S n) m : forall n m : nat, {n < m} + {~ n < m} Arguments lt_dec (_ _)%nat_scope

This way we can keep the proofs we need in the context, unlike when using <?, which returns a bool.

Require Import Arith.
Require Import Program.

Program Fixpoint gcd (a b : nat) {measure b} :=
  if lt_dec 0 b then gcd b (a mod b) else a.
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat
H: 0 < b

a mod b < b
a, b: nat
gcd: nat -> forall b0 : nat, b0 < b -> nat
H: 0 < b

b <> 0
now destruct H. Defined.

Yes, it is a feature of Program. Actually the reference manual explain it in a very clear manner (see ยง24.1):

Generation of equalities. A match expression is always generalized by the corresponding equality. As an example, the expression:

match x with
| 0 => t
| S n => u

will be first rewritten to:

(match x as y return (x = y -> _) with
 | 0 => fun H : x = 0 -> t
 | S n => fun H : x = S n -> u
 end) (eq_refl n).

Here is the reason why if is different:

To give more control over the generation of equalities, the typechecker will fall back directly to Coq's usual typing of dependent pattern-matching if a return or in clause is specified. Likewise, the if construct is not treated specially by Program so boolean tests in the code are not automatically reflected in the obligations. One can use the dec combinator to get the correct hypotheses as in:

Program Definition id (n : nat) : { x : nat | x = n } :=
  if dec (leb n 0) then 0
  else S (pred n).