Dependent pattern matching
upd. What I would like to do is to put a = RedNode' .. into current context (when using refine). I found this technique here .
This code works:
Inductive color : Set := Red | Black. Inductive rbtree : color -> nat -> Set := | Leaf : rbtree Black 0 | RedNode : forall n, rbtree Black n -> nat -> rbtree Black n -> rbtree Red n | BlackNode : forall c1 c2 n, rbtree c1 n -> nat -> rbtree c2 n -> rbtree Black (S n). Inductive rtree : nat -> Set := | RedNode' : forall c1 c2 n, rbtree c1 n -> nat -> rbtree c2 n -> rtree n.n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n{c : color & rbtree c (S n)}n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n
c, c0: color
n0: nat
t1: rbtree c n0
y: nat
t2: rbtree c0 n0
Heqa: RedNode' c c0 n0 t1 y t2 = RedNode' c c0 n0 t1 y t2{c : color & rbtree c (S n0)}
My question is in next (slightly modified definition) of balance1:
n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n{c : color & rbtree c (S n)}n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n{c : color & rbtree c (S n)}
And now Coq does not see that a and ax the same because it is not able to see that n and nx are the same.
What is going on and how to express equality between n and nx (so, Coq will see I can have a = ax)?
(an example is taken from CPDT).
A: What I would like to do is to put RedNode' into current context (which I see in proof mode when using refine). I found this here
As mentioned by Pierre Castèran, the first definition works because Coq infers a (useless) return type ax = ax -> _. If you really want to maintain an equality like a = ax you need to work a bit more to have (a modification of) a and ax at the same type. The first possibility is to make explicit the equality between the natural number indices and rewrite along it in the return clause:
(* First possibility: take an equation between the indices as argument and transport along that equation *)n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n{c : color & rbtree c (S n)}Abort.n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n
c, c0: color
n0: nat
t1: rbtree c n0
y: nat
t2: rbtree c0 n0
Heqn: n = n0
Heqa: eq_rect n rtree a n0 Heqn = RedNode' c c0 n0 t1 y t2{c : color & rbtree c (S n0)}
The second possibility, which is a variant on the first used a lot by the Equations library, packs together a natural number with an rtree in a dependent sum, so that the resulting pair has no dependence and equality can be used directly on the pairs:
(* Variant: pack the index n together with the element a : rtree n and take an equation between the packed arguments *) (* Definition and notation for dependent sum *) Set Primitive Projections. Record sigma A (B : A -> Type) := mkSig { pr1 : A; pr2 : B pr1 }. Unset Primitive Projections. Arguments sigma {A} B. Arguments mkSig {A} B pr1 pr2. Notation "'Σ' x .. y , P" := (sigma (fun x => .. (sigma (fun y => P)) ..)) (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity, format "'[ ' '[ ' Σ x .. y ']' , '/' P ']'") : type_scope. Notation "( x , .. , y , z )" := (@mkSig _ _ x .. (@mkSig _ _ y z) ..) (right associativity, at level 0, format "( x , .. , y , z )"). Notation " x .1 " := (pr1 x) (at level 3, format "x .1"). Notation " x .2 " := (pr2 x) (at level 3, format "x .2").n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n{c : color & rbtree c (S n)}Abort.n: nat
a: rtree n
data: nat
c2: color
t: rbtree c2 n
c, c0: color
n0: nat
t1: rbtree c n0
y: nat
t2: rbtree c0 n0
Heqa: (n, a) = (n0, RedNode' c c0 n0 t1 y t2){c : color & rbtree c (S n0)}
In both cases, actually using these equalities afterwards will be somewhat painful: you might be able to use them thanks to decidable equality on natural numbers and its consequences (in particular UIP_nat in Coq.Arith.Peano_dec if you use the stdlib).
But more globally, you should consider whether maintining such an equality will be really useful for proving your goal: a does not appear in the conclusion, nor in any other premise so you should not need to know anything about it beyond its content once pattern-matched.