Dependent type as a function argument in Coq


I am very new to Coq. I am trying to experiment with Coq's dependent types. What I want to do, is to simply feed an even number to a function. For example, in pseudo-code:

def next_even(n: {n: Integer | n is even}) :=
  add n 2

Then I want to utilize the function with different arguments, such as (in pseudo-code):

next_even(1)    // Coq should show an error
next_even(4)    // Coq should compute 6

So, in Coq, I want to do the following:

Compute (next_even 1).
Compute (next_even 4).

How can I construct it?


Here is a direct translation of your function in Coq:

From Coq Require Import Arith.

Definition add_two_even (n : {n : nat | Nat.even n = true}) : nat :=
  proj1_sig n + 1.

Note that you need the proj1_sig function to extract n from the subset type {n : nat | Nat.even n = true}. To use add_two_even, you also need to go the other way around: go from a number to an element of {n | Nat.even n = true}. In Coq, this requires manual proof. For concrete values of n, this is easy:

(* The next command fails with a type checking error *)
The term "exist (fun n : nat => Nat.even n = true) 1 eq_refl" has type "{n : nat | Nat.even n = true}" while it is expected to have type "{n : nat | Nat.even n = true}" (cannot satisfy constraint "Nat.even 1 = Nat.even 1" == "(fun n : nat => Nat.even n = true) 1"; cannot unify "Nat.even 1" and "true").
(* The next command succeeds *)
= 5 : nat

The exist constructor wraps a value x with a proof of P x, producing an element of the subset type {x | P x}. The eq_refl term is a proof of x = x for any value of x. When n is a concrete number, Coq can evaluate Nat.even n and find if eq_refl is a valid proof of Nat.even n = true. When n is 1, Nat.even n = false, and the check fails, leading to the first error message. When n is 4, the check succeeds.

Things get more complicated when n is not a constant, but an arbitrary expression. A proof that Nat.even n = true can require detailed reasoning that must be guided by the user. For instance, we know that Nat.even (n + n) = true for any value of n, but Coq does not. Thus, to call add_two_even on something of the form n + n, we need to show a lemma.

n: nat

Nat.even (n + n) = true
n: nat

Nat.even (n + n) = true
n: nat
IH: Nat.even (n + n) = true

Nat.even (S n + S n) = true
now simpl; rewrite <- plus_n_Sm, IH. Qed. Definition foo (n : nat) := add_two_even (exist _ (n + n) (add_n_n_even n)).

There are some tools for facilitating this style of programming, such as the equations plugin, but the general wisdom in the Coq community is that you should avoid subset types for functions like add_two_even, where the constraints do not substantially simplify the properties about the function.

You can find many examples of good uses of subset types in the Mathematical Components libraries. For example, the libraries use subset types to define a type n.-tuple T of lists of length n, and a type 'I_n of integers bounded by n. This allows us to define a total accessor function tnth (t : n.-tuple T) (i : 'I_n) : T that extracts the ith element of the list t. If we define this accessor for arbitrary lists and integers, we need to pass a default value to the function to return when the index is out of bounds, or change the function's signature so that it returns a value of type option T instead, indicating that the function can fail to return a value. This change makes properties of the accessor function harder to state. For example, consider the eq_from_tnth lemma, which says that two lists are equal if all their elements are equal:

  forall (n : nat) (T : Type) (t1 t2 : n.-tuple T),
    (forall i : 'I_n, tnth t1 i = tnth t2 i) -> t1 = t2

The statement of this lemma for arbitrary lists becomes more complicated, because we need an extra assumption saying that the two lists are of the same size. (Here, x0 is the default value.)

  forall (T : Type) (x0 : T) (s1 s2 : list T),
  size s1 = size s2 ->
  (forall i : nat, i < size s1 -> nth x0 s1 i = nth x0 s2 i) -> s1 = s2