Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction


According to Coq's documentation

sumbool is a boolean type equipped with the justification of their value

I thought that was already a property of the disjunction, in the intuitionnistic (or constructive) logic that Coq implements.

For example, to prove an excluded middle p \/ ~p in Coq, you have to do actual work, it is not a logical axiom. So a proof of p \/ q must either be a proof of p or a proof of q.

Then why do we need sumbool p q?


By replacing the tactics by exact proofs, I got more specific error messages. This one is fine:

forall p q : Prop, {p} + {q} -> p \/ q

forall p q : Prop, {p} + {q} -> p \/ q
exact (fun (p q : Prop) (H : sumbool p q) => match H with | left p0 => or_introl p0 | right q0 => or_intror q0 end). Qed.

However this one tells me

forall p q : Prop, p \/ q -> {p} + {q}

forall p q : Prop, p \/ q -> {p} + {q}
Incorrect elimination of "H" in the inductive type "or": the return type has sort "Set" while it should be "SProp" or "Prop". Elimination of an inductive object of sort Prop is not allowed on a predicate in sort Set because proofs can be eliminated only to build proofs.

I'm a bit surprised. So a primitive like match depends on the sort of thing we want to prove? It looks low-level lambda-calculus though.


The sumbool type lives in Coq's computationally relevant universe Type (or Set). In particular, we can write programs using functions that return elements of {P} + {Q} (for instance, the standard library's Nat.eq_dec : forall n m : nat, {n = m} + {n <> m}, which tests whether two numbers are equal).

Logical disjunction, on the other hand, belongs to the computationally irrelevant universe Prop. We cannot perform case analysis on a proof of type P \/ Q because Coq was designed to erase proofs when a program is extracted, and such a case analysis might alter the outcome of a computation. This makes it safe for us, for example, to add the excluded middle axiom forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P without impacting the execution of extracted programs.

It would also be possible to add a strong form of the excluded middle that lives in Type: forall P : Prop, {P} + {~P}; however, if we use this axiom to write programs, we will not be able to execute them.

A: Think of what is going to happen at runtime. When extracting a program (i.e. erasing all the proofs since you don't need them at runtime) all arguments of type or A B can be erased, i.e. those cannot have any influence on program execution. Whereas it's not possible to remove a term of type sumbool A B, we can only hope that the extractor would erase the proofs left and right constructors carry. Essentially sumbool should turn into a plain simple bool type at runtime (that was a part of my answer I was writing, but Arthur beat me to it :)).

A: Note that the resulting type is Prop for or and Set for sumbool. This means you can use terms of sumbool type as data, but terms of or type is for specification purposes only. Which one to use depends on what you are trying to achieve. sumbool can be used inside the logical world, but or can't affect computations. You can prove Lemma sumbool_to_or P Q : {P} + {Q} -> P \/ Q., but not P \/ Q -> {P} + {Q}.