Ease life in dependently typed programming using Function and Program in Coq


I am trying to implement a dependently typed evaluator of STLC in Coq using Program Fixpoint. Since the language does not have fixed point operator, I think the evaluator should terminate, though the termination condition is not structural.

During my development, I find one source of headache is I simply can't keep track of too many variables at the same time, and pattern matching is too nested.

If it were about a mere Fixpoint, I can just implement the body using tactics, but when using Program Fixpoint or Function, I just cannot. Is there any trick to build body using tactics in this case?

I am stuck at very end: https://gist.github.com/HuStmpHrrr/0d92e646916ae9ec7ced3ff21724ba2d


When using Program, you can simply leave underscores for parts of your term you want to fill in using proof mode. Any underscores that can be inferred will automatically be filled in and the remaining will produce obligations. For example, you can write all of run in proof mode by writing Program Fixpoint run ... {measure ...} := _. The measure will show up as an argument to run in the context.