Equality of dependent types and dependent values


Consider a dependent type

Inductive dep (n : nat) := mkDep : dep n.

Now, consider a simple theorem I wish to prove:

n, n': nat

n = n' -> dep n = dep n'
n, n': nat

n = n' -> dep n = dep n'
n, n': nat
H: n = n'

dep n = dep n'

How do I show that two dependent types are equal? What is a notion of type equality?

Worse, consider this "theorem" (which does not compile)

In environment n : nat n' : nat The term "mkDep n'" has type "dep n'" while it is expected to have type "dep n".

This very statement is wrong, because the types mkDep n and mkDep n' don't match. However, in some sense, this statement is true, because they are the same value under the assumption n = n'.

I wish to understand how to formalize and prove statements about dependent types (specifically, their equality and notions thereof)


How do I show that two dependent types are equal?

In this case, you can prove it with apply f_equal; assumption or subst; reflexivity (or destruct H; reflexivity or case H; reflexivity or induction H; reflexivity or exact (eq_rect n (fun n' => dep n = dep n') eq_refl n' H)).

What is a notion of type equality?

The same as any other equality; Print eq. gives:

Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop := eq_refl : x = x Arguments eq {A}%type_scope _ _ Arguments eq_refl {A}%type_scope {x}, [_] _

which says that the only special fact you have to construct a proof of equality is that x = x for any x. The way to use a proof of equality, eq_rect, is that, if you have x = y, to prove a property P of y, it suffices to prove P of x. In this case, since we have n = n', to prove dep n = dep n', it suffices to prove dep n = dep n (where P := fun n' => dep n = dep n').

There is a deeper sense in which this question can be asked, because it turns out that equality of types in Coq is under-constrained. Given

Inductive unit1 := tt1.
Inductive unit2 := tt2.

you can not prove unit1 = unit2, nor can you prove unit1 <> unit2. In fact, it turns out that the only type inequalities T1 <> T2 that you can prove are cases where you can prove that T1 and T2 are not isomorphic. The Univalence axiom is a way of "filling in the details" of type equality to say that any isomorphic types are equal. There are other consistent interpretations, though (for example, I believe that it's consistent to assume A * B = C * D -> A = C /\ B = D, though this contradicts univalence).

Worse, consider this "theorem" (which does not compile)

In environment n : nat n' : nat The term "mkDep n'" has type "dep n'" while it is expected to have type "dep n".

Right. This is because we do not have an equality reflection rule in Coq, and judgmental/definitional equality is not the same as propositional equality. The way to state this is to "cast" the term mkDep n across the proof of equality.

Import EqNotations.
n, n': nat

forall H : n = n', rew [dep] H in mkDep n = mkDep n'
n, n': nat

forall H : n = n', rew [dep] H in mkDep n = mkDep n'
n, n': nat
H: n = n'

rew [dep] H in mkDep n = mkDep n'
n': nat

rew [dep] eq_refl in mkDep n' = mkDep n'
reflexivity. Qed.

Note that rew binds more tightly than =, and is a notation for eq_rect. This says that for any proof H of n = n', the term mkDep n, when transported across H to become a term of type dep n', is equal to mkDep n'. (Note also that we could just as well have used destruct H or induction H or case H (but not apply f_equal) instead of subst.)