Form of intros in Coq specifically for forall and explicitly for ->
Are there tactics in Coq that are more limited versions (subtactics?) of intros?
I'm curious if there are any specifically for forall ... and specifically for ->.
intros in Coq is capable of undoing the outermost forall as well as the outermost ->.
It introduces hypotheses with provided or arbitrary names.
I suspect the reason for this generality is the fact that Coq is built on top of the calculus of inductive constructions and forall and -> really are both special cases of the dependent Π-type. (Also, now that I think about it, forall might actually be the general construction. I'm not sure.)
Here is an example from the Basics.v file from Software Foundations. This is a theorem and proof provided by authors, not a completed exercise from SF. (I mention this because the authors ask people not to post solutions to SF problems online.)
forall n m : nat, n = m -> n + n = m + m(* move both quantifiers into the context: *)forall n m : nat, n = m -> n + n = m + m(* move the hypothesis into the context: *)n, m: natn = m -> n + n = m + m(* rewrite the goal using the hypothesis: *)n, m: nat
H: n = mn + n = m + mreflexivity. Qed.n, m: nat
H: n = mm + m = m + m
Anyway, the generality of intros is nice in theory, but it can make tactic scripts harder to read. Are there weaker tactics than intros that can only unpack -> or only unpack forall? That would make it easier to tell at a glance what roughly what "part" of a theorem is being addressed by a tactic appearing in the middle of a tactic script.
intros * only unpacks forall. Example from the reference manual:
A, B: PropA -> B