How can I prove that she cannot prove Or_commutative with only intro and apply?
This question is related to a strategic game (bargaining, protocol, crypto, ...) setting I investigate during holidays where players are Coq users.
Some of them have limited reasoning capabilities such as for example being only able to intro and apply an hypothesis or a lemma they were given.
Some others may have access to tauto.
In contrast, some rational players have unlimited reasoning capabilities and know other players' type. Rational players can therefore reflect on what other players can prove or not and build their decision on it for their next move in the game.
Non-rational players have never access to CIC terms. I therefore restrict their Ltac grammar to a consistent but smaller fragment. I also restrict their list of atomic tactics. For example I would not allow a variant of apply with patterns or other which opens the door to CIC terms.
In the case of this question, it is simply a finite sequence of vanilla intro and apply tactics separated by a dot.
To summarize, a player's type is defined by an Ltac grammar subset, a list of atomic tactics and a bag of lemmas given at the start of the game.
Here is the most verbose (smallest steps) proof of a tautology:
forall P Q : Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ Pforall P Q : Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ PP: Propforall Q : Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ PP, Q: PropP \/ Q -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QQ \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QP -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QQ -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ Q
HP: PQ \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QQ -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ Q
HP: PPP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QQ -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ QQ -> Q \/ PP, Q: Prop
H: P \/ Q
HQ: QQ \/ Papply HQ. Qed.P, Q: Prop
H: P \/ Q
It is clear that we need elim, right and left tactics. intro and apply are not sufficient.
Question: how can I prove that she cannot prove Or_commutative with only intro and apply?
Goal cannot_prove_or_commutative_with_IAs : ????
(* Here I want to show that no sequence of vanilla intro and apply
tactics can solve the goal *)
(* I may define a structure of proof that is a sequence of intro and
apply and show that after step 3, it will fail or will not change
the judgment. How would I do that? *)
(* Or should I go to the definitions of intro an apply and show that
they cannot handle OR terms? *)
(* Or should I investigate plugins to reflect on tactics? I heard of
Mtac2 recently *)
To state this theorem, you need to define a Coq data type that captures the syntax of propositions you want to work with and associated inference rules. This can encompass as much of Coq as you are willing to formalize. To state your commutativity result, all we need is a simple propositional logic with disjunction and implication.
Inductive prop : Type := | Atomic : nat -> prop (* Basic propositions *) | Or : prop -> prop -> prop | Implies : prop -> prop -> prop. Definition commutativity := Implies (Or (Atomic 0) (Atomic 1)) (Or (Atomic 1) (Atomic 0)).
We can give a semantics to this logic, tying it back to the notion of truth that comes with Coq; assn is used to interpret atomic propositions:
Fixpoint sem (assn : nat -> Prop) (P : prop) :=
match P with
| Atomic x => assn x
| Or P Q => sem assn P \/ sem assn Q
| Implies P Q => sem assn P -> sem assn Q
Instead of working with tactics, it is easier and more commonplace to formalize proofs using an entailment relation, which states when a theorem can proved from a list of assumptions. The following definition gives all the useful rules for the above fragment:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Inductive entails : list prop -> prop -> Type := | Ax : forall P G, In P G -> entails G P | OrIL : forall G P Q, entails G P -> entails G (Or P Q) | OrIR : forall G P Q, entails G Q -> entails G (Or P Q) | OrE : forall G P Q R, entails (P :: G) R -> entails (Q :: G) R -> entails G (Or P Q) -> entails G R | ImpliesI : forall G P Q, entails (P :: G) Q -> entails G (Implies P Q) | ImpliesE : forall G P Q, entails G (Implies P Q) -> entails G P -> entails G Q.
It should be possible to prove a soundness theorem, saying that the proofs built from these inference rules yield valid theorems:
assn: nat -> Prop
G: list prop
P: prop
entails G P -> Forall (sem assn) G -> sem assn P
Only allowing intros and apply would amount to ruling out uses of OrE, which we can enforce with a boolean predicate:
Fixpoint no_destruct {G P} (pf : entails G P) : bool :=
match pf with
| Ax _ _ _ => true
| OrIL _ _ _ pf => no_destruct pf
| OrIR _ _ _ pf => no_destruct pf
| OrE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => false
| ImpliesI _ _ _ pf => no_destruct pf
| ImpliesE _ _ _ pf1 pf2 => no_destruct pf1 && no_destruct pf2
You can finally state your metatheorem: any proof of commutativity must use the OrE rule:
pf: entails nil commutativity
no_destruct pf = false
On top of my head, I do not know exactly how this proof would proceed. One possibility could be to give your restricted logic a non-standard interpretation which validates all inference rules, except for OrE, and where Or is not commutative.