How can I write a function of the following form in Coq?


f x = f (g subtermOfX)

Is recursion only allowed if the arg to the function is a direct subterm of the arg passed so that Coq can see that it actually terminates?


It's possible to write such function f if function g preserves the property of being a subterm.

Some of the standard functions have this property, e.g. pred, sub:

From Coq Require Import Arith List.
Import ListNotations.

Fixpoint foo (x : nat) : nat :=
  match x with
  | O => 42
  | S x' => foo (pred x')       (* foo (x' - 1) works too *)

On the other hand some (standard) functions do not have this property, but can be rewritten to remedy this deficiency. E.g. the standard tl function does not preserve the subterm property, so the following fails:

Recursive definition of bar is ill-formed. In environment bar : list nat -> list nat xs : list nat x : nat xs' : list nat Recursive call to bar has principal argument equal to "tl xs'" instead of "xs'". Recursive definition is: "fun xs : list nat => match xs with | [] => [] | _ :: xs' => bar (tl xs') end".

but if we redefine the tail function like so

Not a truly recursive fixpoint. [non-recursive,fixpoints]

we can recover the desired property:

Fixpoint bar (xs : list nat) : list nat :=
  match xs with
  | [] => []
  | x :: xs' => bar (new_tl xs')

The only difference between tl and new_tl is that in the case of empty input list tl returns [], but new_tl returns the original list.