How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
For that type:
Record Version :=
mkVersion {
major : nat;
minor : nat;
branch : {b : nat | b > 0 /\ b <= 9};
hotfix : {h : nat | h > 0 /\ h < 8}
I'm trying to make an example, and it failed with:
What am I missing?
The reason it fails is that you need not only provide a witness (b and h in this case) but also a proof that the corresponding condition holds for the provided witness.
I would switch to booleans to make my life easier, because this allows proof by computation, which is basically what eq_refl does in the snippet below:
From Coq Require Import Bool Arith. Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass. Record Version := mkVersion { major : nat; minor : nat; branch : {b : nat | (0 <? b) && (b <=? 9)}; hotfix : {h : nat | (0 <? h) && (h <? 8)} }. Example ex1 := mkVersion 3 2 (exist _ 5 eq_refl) (exist _ 5 eq_refl).
We could introduce a notation allowing a nicer representation of literals:
Notation "<| M ',' m ',' b '~' h |>" := (mkVersion M m (exist _ b eq_refl) (exist _ h eq_refl)). Example ex2 := <| 3,2,5~5 |>.
If there is a need to add manual proofs then I'd suggest to use Program mechanism:
From Coq Require Import Program. Program Definition ex3 b h (condb : b =? 5) (condh : h =? 1) := mkVersion 3 2 (exist _ b _) (exist _ h _).now unfold is_true in * |-; rewrite Nat.eqb_eq in * |-; subst. Qed.b, h: nat
condb: b =? 5
condh: h =? 1(0 <? b) && (b <=? 9)now unfold is_true in * |-; rewrite Nat.eqb_eq in * |-; subst. Qed.b, h: nat
condb: b =? 5
condh: h =? 1(0 <? h) && (h <? 8)
or refine tactic:
b, h: nat
condb: b =? 5
condh: h =? 1Versionnow refine (mkVersion 3 2 (exist _ b _) (exist _ h _)); unfold is_true in * |-; rewrite Nat.eqb_eq in * |-; subst. Qed.b, h: nat
condb: b =? 5
condh: h =? 1Version