How does one build the list of only true elements in Coq using dependent types?


I was going through the Coq book from the maths perspective. I was trying to define a dependently typed function that returned a length list with n trues depending on the number trues we want. Coq complains that things don't have the right type but when I see it if it were to unfold my definitions when doing the type comparison it should have worked but it doesn't. Why?


Module playing_with_types2.
  Inductive Vector {A : Type} : nat -> Type :=
  | vnil : Vector 0
  | vcons: forall n : nat, A -> Vector n -> Vector (S n).

  Definition t {A : Type} (n : nat) : Type :=
    match n with
    | 0 => @Vector A 0
    | S n' => @Vector A (S n')
t : nat -> Type where ?A : [ |- Type]
@t : Type -> nat -> Type
(* meant to mimic Definition g : forall n: nat, t n. *)
In environment g : forall n : nat, t n n : nat The term "vnil" has type "Vector 0" while it is expected to have type "t ?n@{n1:=0}".

Coq's error:

The command has indeed failed with message: In environment g : forall n : nat, t n n : nat The term "vnil" has type "Vector 0" while it is expected to have type "t ?n@{n1:=0}".

i.e. t ?n@{n1:=0} is Vector 0... no?


In this case, it looks like Coq does not manage to infer the return type of the match expression, so the best thing to do is to give it explicitly:

In environment g : forall n : nat, t n n : nat n' : nat The term "g n'" has type "t n'" while it is expected to have type "Vector n'".

Note the added return clause.

Then the real error message appears:

The command has indeed failed with message: In environment g : forall n : nat, t n n : nat n' : nat The term "g n'" has type "t n'" while it is expected to have type "Vector n'".

And this time it is true that in general t n' is not the same as Vector n' because t n' is stuck (it does not know yet whether n' is 0 or some S n'').