How to add variables introduced by set tactic to a Hint DB?


I want to use a Hint DB with variables introduced by set. For example,

forall n : nat, n + n = n + n

forall n : nat, n + n = n + n
n: nat

n + n = n + n
n: nat
m:= n + n: nat

m = m
The reference m was not found in the current environment.

Is there any way to achieve this, or is it impossible?


It's not possible to do this like you suggested because after you finish foo with Qed the local variable m will be out of scope, but hints go straight into some global database.

However, you can use the Section mechanism, as the hints declared inside a section are local to that section:

Section LocalHints.
  Variable n : nat.
  Let m := n + n.
Adding and removing hints in the core database implicitly is deprecated. Please specify a hint database. [implicit-core-hint-db,deprecated]
n: nat
m:= n + n: nat

m = m
n: nat
m:= n + n: nat

m = m
n: nat
m:= n + n: nat

n + n = n + n
reflexivity. Qed. End LocalHints.