How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq


I have defined my propositional formulas as follows:

Inductive propForm : Set :=
| top : propForm
| bot : propForm
| var : propVar -> propForm
| orp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm
| andp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm.

I am trying to define a function for transforming a propositional formula into one in DNF. For this, I have defined a function which distributes terms using the distributive law:

Fixpoint distribute (f : propForm) : propForm -> propForm :=
  fix distribute1 (g : propForm) : propForm :=
    match f with
    | f1 \/p f2 => match g with
                   | g1 \/p g2 => distribute1 g1 \/p distribute1 g2
                   | _ => distribute f1 g \/p distribute f2 g
    | _ => match g with
           | g1 \/p g2 => distribute1 g1 \/p distribute1 g2
           | _ => f /\p g

This function works fine. However, I still need to define a function which transforms the propositional formula to DNF. The following function would do what I want, however it is not accepted by Coq because the function is not structurally decreasing in f' for the last case. Any hints and tips would be appreciated.

Recursive definition of toDNF is ill-formed. In environment toDNF : propForm -> propForm f' : propForm f1 : propForm f2 : propForm Recursive call to toDNF has principal argument equal to "distribute f1 f2" instead of one of the following variables: "f1" "f2". Recursive definition is: "fun f' : propForm => match f' with | f1 \/p f2 => toDNF f1 \/p toDNF f2 | f1 /\p f2 => toDNF (distribute f1 f2) | _ => f' end".


Your function is a special case of normalizing an expression from a semi-ring. I wrote a post explaining how to do that in the case of arithmetic expressions, using the Ssreflect and MathComp libraries, but I'll include a more direct answer here.

One idea is to use lists of lists to represent formulas in DNF: after all, they are just a conjunction of a list of disjunctions, which are just lists of literals. You can then reuse the list library to write your function:

Module Sol1.

Require inside a module is deprecated and strongly discouraged. You can Require a module at toplevel and optionally Import it inside another one. [require-in-module,deprecated]
Import ListNotations. Notation propVar := nat. Inductive propAtom := | top | bot | var :> propVar -> propAtom. Inductive propForm : Set := | atom :> propAtom -> propForm | orp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm | andp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm. Definition dnfForm := list (list propAtom). Fixpoint andd (f1 f2 : dnfForm) : dnfForm := match f1 with | [] => (* false && f2 = false *) [] | cf :: f1 => (* (cf || f1) && f2 = cf && f2 || f1 && f2 *) map (app cf) f2 ++ andd f1 f2 end. Fixpoint toDNF (f : propForm) : dnfForm := match f with | atom a => [[a]] | orp f1 f2 => toDNF f1 ++ toDNF f2 | andp f1 f2 => andd (toDNF f1) (toDNF f2) end.
= [[3; 1]; [3; 2]; [4; 1]; [4; 2]] : dnfForm
End Sol1.

There are two things to note here. First, I factored variables and constants as a separate propAtom type, and I have called distribute andd, because you can think of it as computing the AND of two expressions in DNF.

Here's another solution that is based on your original code. It seems that your distribute function preserves the invariant of being in DNF; that is, if f1 and f2 are in DNF, then so is distribute f1 f2. Thus, you can just flip the order of the calls:

Module Sol2.

  Notation propVar := nat.

  Inductive propForm : Set :=
  | top : propForm
  | bot : propForm
  | var :> propVar -> propForm
  | orp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm
  | andp : propForm -> propForm -> propForm.

  Fixpoint distribute (f : propForm) : propForm -> propForm :=
    fix distribute1 (g : propForm) : propForm :=
      match f with
      | orp f1 f2 => match g with
                     | orp g1 g2 => orp (distribute1 g1) (distribute1 g2)
                     | _ => orp (distribute f1 g) (distribute f2 g)
      | _ => match g with
             | orp g1 g2 => orp (distribute1 g1) (distribute1 g2)
             | _ => andp f g

  Fixpoint toDNF (f' : propForm) : propForm :=
    match f' with
    | top => f'
    | bot => f'
    | var _ => f'
    | orp f1 f2 => orp (toDNF f1) (toDNF f2)
    | andp f1 f2 => distribute (toDNF f1) (toDNF f2)

= orp (orp (andp 3 1) (andp 4 1)) (orp (andp 3 2) (andp 4 2)) : propForm
End Sol2.

Q: Thank you, I had actually all ready proven that my distribute indeed preserves the invariant of being in DNF. However, I had not realized the repercussion that I could flip the order of the calls. Because I need equivalence between the propositional formulas, defining a sepperate type would have been a lot of work, since I would also require complete and sound conversions.

A: I see your point, but it's not actually too bad, since you can always write a function to convert a DNF formula (as a list of lists) back to a generic one. If you have a good infrastructure to reason about lists and algebraic structures (as Ssreflect provides), then the amount of code that you'll save definitely justifies using this approach.