How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?


I'm attempting to define and prove correct in Coq a function that efficiently diffs two sorted lists. As it does not always recurse on a structurally smaller term (either the first or second list is smaller), Fixpoint won't accept it, so I'm attempting to use Program Fixpoint instead.

When attempting to prove a property of the function using the tactic simpl or program_simpl, Coq spends minutes computing and then produces a giant term, hundreds of lines long. I was wondering if I'm using Program Fixpoint the wrong way, or alternatively if there are other tactics that should be used instead of simplification when reasoning about it?

I also wondered if it's good practice to include the required properties for correctness in params like this, or would it be better to have a separate wrapper function that takes the correctness properties as params, and make this function just take the two lists to be diffed?

Note that I did try defining a simpler version of make_diff, which only took l1 and l2 as parameters and fixed the type A and relation R, but this still produced a gigantic term when the program_simpl or simpl tactics were applied.

Edit: my includes are (although they may not all be required here):

Require Import Coq.Sorting.Sorted.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Recdef.
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.

The code:

Definition is_decidable (A : Type) (R : relation A) :=
  forall x y, {R x y} + {~ R x y}.
Definition eq_decidable (A : Type) := forall (x y : A), {x = y} + {~ x = y}.

Inductive diff (X : Type) : Type :=
| add : X -> diff X
| remove : X -> diff X
| update : X -> X -> diff X.

Program Fixpoint make_diff (A : Type)
        (R : relation A)
        (dec : is_decidable A R)
        (eq_dec : eq_decidable A)
        (trans : transitive A R)
        (lt_neq : (forall x y, R x y -> x <> y))
        (l1 l2 : list A)
        {measure (length l1 + length l2)} : list (diff A) :=
  match l1, l2 with
  | nil, nil => nil
  | nil, new_h :: new_t =>
      add A new_h :: make_diff A R dec eq_dec trans lt_neq nil new_t
  | old_h :: old_t, nil =>
      remove A old_h :: make_diff A R dec eq_dec trans lt_neq old_t nil
  | old_h :: old_t as old_l, new_h::new_t as new_l =>
      if dec old_h new_h
      then remove A old_h :: make_diff A R dec eq_dec trans lt_neq old_t new_l
      else if eq_dec old_h new_h
           then update A old_h new_h ::
                       make_diff A R dec  eq_dec trans lt_neq old_t new_t
           else add A new_h :: make_diff A R dec eq_dec trans lt_neq old_l new_t
A: Type
R: relation A
dec: is_decidable A R
eq_dec: eq_decidable A
trans: transitive A R
lt_neq: forall x y : A, R x y -> x <> y
new_h: A
new_l: list A
old_h: A
old_l: list A
make_diff: forall (A0 : Type) (R : relation A0), is_decidable A0 R -> eq_decidable A0 -> transitive A0 R -> (forall x y : A0, R x y -> x <> y) -> forall l1 l2 : list A0, length l1 + length l2 < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l) -> list (diff A0)
H: R old_h new_h

length old_l + length new_l < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l)
A: Type
R: relation A
dec: is_decidable A R
eq_dec: eq_decidable A
trans: transitive A R
lt_neq: forall x y : A, R x y -> x <> y
new_h: A
new_l: list A
old_h: A
old_l: list A
make_diff: forall (A0 : Type) (R : relation A0), is_decidable A0 R -> eq_decidable A0 -> transitive A0 R -> (forall x y : A0, R x y -> x <> y) -> forall l1 l2 : list A0, length l1 + length l2 < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l) -> list (diff A0)
H: R old_h new_h

length old_l + length new_l < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l)
A: Type
R: relation A
dec: is_decidable A R
eq_dec: eq_decidable A
trans: transitive A R
lt_neq: forall x y : A, R x y -> x <> y
new_h: A
new_l: list A
old_h: A
old_l: list A
make_diff: forall (A0 : Type) (R : relation A0), is_decidable A0 R -> eq_decidable A0 -> transitive A0 R -> (forall x y : A0, R x y -> x <> y) -> forall l1 l2 : list A0, length l1 + length l2 < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l) -> list (diff A0)
H: R old_h new_h

length old_l + length new_l < S (length old_l + S (length new_l))
A: Type
R: relation A
dec: is_decidable A R
eq_dec: eq_decidable A
trans: transitive A R
lt_neq: forall x y : A, R x y -> x <> y
new_h: A
new_l: list A
old_h: A
old_l: list A
make_diff: forall (A0 : Type) (R : relation A0), is_decidable A0 R -> eq_decidable A0 -> transitive A0 R -> (forall x y : A0, R x y -> x <> y) -> forall l1 l2 : list A0, length l1 + length l2 < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l) -> list (diff A0)
H: R old_h new_h

forall n : nat, length old_l + n < S (length old_l + S n)
A: Type
R: relation A
dec: is_decidable A R
eq_dec: eq_decidable A
trans: transitive A R
lt_neq: forall x y : A, R x y -> x <> y
new_h: A
new_l: list A
old_h: A
old_l: list A
make_diff: forall (A0 : Type) (R : relation A0), is_decidable A0 R -> eq_decidable A0 -> transitive A0 R -> (forall x y : A0, R x y -> x <> y) -> forall l1 l2 : list A0, length l1 + length l2 < length (old_h :: old_l) + length (new_h :: new_l) -> list (diff A0)
H: R old_h new_h

forall n n0 : nat, n + n0 < S (n + S n0)
auto with arith. Defined.


In this particular case we can get rid of Program Fixpoint and use plain simple Fixpoint. Since at each recursive call we invoke make_diff either on the tail of the first list or on the tail of the second list, we can nest two fixed-point functions as follows. (I have used the Section mechanism here to avoid passing too many identical arguments)

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relations.

Section Make_diff.

  Variable A : Type.
  Variable R : relation A.
  Variable dec : is_decidable A R.
  Variable eq_dec : eq_decidable A.
  Variable trans : transitive A R.
  Variable lt_neq : forall x y, R x y -> x <> y.

  Inductive diff (X : Type) : Type :=
  | add : X -> diff X
  | remove : X -> diff X
  | update : X -> X -> diff X.

  Fixpoint make_diff (l1 l2 : list A) : list (diff A) :=
    let fix make_diff2 l2 :=
      match l1, l2 with
      | nil, nil => nil
      | nil, new_h :: new_t => add A new_h :: make_diff2 new_t
      | old_h :: old_t, nil => remove A old_h :: make_diff old_t nil
      | old_h :: old_t, new_h :: new_t =>
          if dec old_h new_h
          then remove A old_h :: make_diff old_t l2
          else if eq_dec old_h new_h
               then update A old_h new_h :: make_diff old_t new_t
               else add A new_h :: make_diff2 new_t
    in make_diff2 l2.

End Make_diff.

Observe that the Section mechanism won't include unused parameters in the resulting signature. Here is a naive test:

(* make the first 2 arguments implicit *)
Arguments make_diff [A R] _ _ _ _.

Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.

= [remove nat 1; remove nat 2; remove nat 3; add nat 4; add nat 5; add nat 6] : list (diff nat)