How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?


Assuming I have some definition with a forall and an exists like so:

Definition fooable A B P := forall a : A, exists b : B, P a b.

Then on an intuitive level, I can for each (a : A) find a (b : B) such that (P a b) holds, so it stands to reason that I can build a function that generates the b from the a. As Coq is constructive, there has to be a witness for the b if I have evidence for fooable, so I am trying to define this function:

A, B: Type
P: A -> B -> Prop
H: fooable A B P

A -> B

Using fun a => H a to get rid of the forall is easy enough, but how can I extract the witness from the exists here? I've also tried writing it as a proof and destructing the exists, but as the goal is a Type, not a Prop, destruct errors.

Answer (Andrej Bauer)

In mathematics there are two kinds of existence:

  1. The concrete or informative existence happens when we show that something exists by constructing a specific instance, which is then available.

  2. The abstract or non-informative existence happens when we know that something exists by indirect means, or because the constucted witness has been hidden away from us by some mechanism.

An example that students come accross is this:

Theorem: There is a non-computable function \(f:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\).

Abstract existence proof: there are uncountably many function \(\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\) but only countably many Turing machines, therefore some functions must be non-computable. \(\square\)

Concrete existence proof: we claim that the function \(h:\mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\) defined by

\begin{equation*} h(n) = \begin{cases} 1, \mbox{ if $n$-th Turing machine halts on input $n$} \\ 0, \mbox{ otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation*}

is not computable. (Insert here the standard proof that \(h\) is not-computable.) \(\square\)

I hope this conveys the idea clearly enough. First-order logic only expresses the abstract existence. Martin-Löf type theory only expresses the concrete existence.

Coq can express both kinds of existence. The abstract one is exists and the concrete one is sig. So if you want to actually extract witnesses, then you should be using sig, not exists.

In Coq sig (fun (x : A) => P x) is written in the more readable notation {x : A | P x}. Here is the extraction function you asked for:

A, B: Type
P: A -> B -> Prop
H: fooable A B P

A -> B

It is possible to do violence to Coq and extract functions from the wrong existence by postulating various choice principles (as in Coq.Logic.ChoiceFacts), but it's just better to use the correct form of existence.

P.S. The difference between informative and non-informative facts extends to all of logic and is not specific to existence. We may distinguish between informative facts, where knowing a fact also gives us the ability to inspect the reason for knowing it, and the non-informative facts, where we simply know a fact, but have no access to any reason as to why the fact holds. In Coq the non-informative facts are in Prop, whereas the informative ones are in Type.

Answer (kyo dralliam)

Extracting a function from a forall/exists statement is a choice principle not derivable in Coq (at least not without axioms). More precisely, this extraction could be derived out of FunctionalChoice_on (to get the existence of a function out of the forall/exists) and ConstructiveIndefiniteDescription_on (to actually extract a function witnessing the existential) from the module Coq.Logic.ChoiceFacts in the "standard" library. That file also discuss in length the subtle relationship between many different types of choice axioms.

A: Alternatively, you could replace the propositional existential (ex) with one in Type (sig), from which you can extract a function without any axiom.

Answer (Molossus Spondee)

As previously mentioned extracting a value from an existential is a choice principle.

You can however extract a Prop or type squashed to Prop.

The usual impredicative encoding of squashing is

A, B: Type
P: A -> B -> Prop
H: fooable A B P

A -> B

But this can be a little awkward

Variant squash (A : Type) : Prop :=
  | squash_intro : A -> squash A.

Is also awkward.

Writing the function

A: Type
P: A -> Prop

(exists x : A, P x) -> squash A

Is then pretty simple.

Coq is pretty bare bones in terms of standard library and as far as I know doesn't offer a version of squash or ergonomic tools for working with it. (Edit: use inhabited.) squash is straightforwardly a monad and an applicative functor.

I generally find it easier to rework things to be in Set or Type instead of working around Prop though myself.

A: Coq does have a squash. It is

Inductive inhabited (A : Type) : Prop := inhabits : A -> inhabited A Arguments inhabited _%type_scope Arguments inhabits [A]%type_scope _

and should be imported by default.