How to get an induction principle for nested fix


I am working with a function that searches through a range of values.

Require Import List.
Require Import FunInd.

(* Implementation of ListTest omitted. *)
Definition ListTest (l : list nat) := false.

Definition SearchCountList n :=
  (fix f i l := match i with
                | 0 => ListTest (rev l)
                | S i1 =>
                    (fix g j l1 := match j with
                                   | 0 => false
                                   | S j1 =>
                                       if f i1 (j :: l1)
                                       then true
                                       else g j1 l1
                                   end) (n + n) (i :: l)
                end) n nil.

I want to be able to reason about this function.

However, I can't seem to get Coq's built-in induction principle facilities to work.

GRec not handled

It looks like Coq is set up for handling mutual recursion, not nested recursion. In this case, I have essentially 2 nested for loops.

However, translating to mutual recursion isn't so easy either:

Recursive definition of outer is ill-formed. In environment outer : nat -> nat -> list nat -> bool inner : nat -> nat -> nat -> list nat -> bool n : nat i : nat l : list nat i1 : nat Recursive call to inner has principal argument equal to "n + n" instead of "i1". Recursive definition is: "fun (n i : nat) (l : list nat) => match i with | 0 => ListTest (rev l) | S i1 => inner n i1 (n + n) (i :: l) end".

So, it looks like I would need to use measure to get it to accept the definition directly. It is confused that I reset j sometimes. But, in a nested set up, that makes sense, since i has decreased, and i is the outer loop.

So, is there a standard way of handling nested recursion, as opposed to mutual recursion? Are there easier ways to reason about the cases, not involving making separate induction theorems? Since I haven't found a way to generate it automatically, I guess I'm stuck with writing the induction principle directly.


There's a trick for avoiding mutual recursion in this case: you can compute f i1 inside f and pass the result to g.

Fixpoint g (f_n_i1 : list nat -> bool) (j : nat) (l1 : list nat) : bool :=
  match j with
  | 0 => false
  | S j1 => if f_n_i1 (j :: l1) then true else g f_n_i1 j1 l1

Fixpoint f (n i : nat) (l : list nat) : bool :=
  match i with
  | 0 => ListTest (rev l)
  | S i1 => g (f n i1) (n + n) (i :: l)

Definition SearchCountList (n : nat) : bool := f n n nil.

Are you sure simple induction wouldn't have been enough in the original code? What about well founded induction?

A: This construction should work. Flipping it around by turning the captured variables into curried arguments is a good idea. Now, I have separate functions, and probably can just use plain induction without extra fuss. Ideally I'd want to be able to say something like: induction n, SearchCountList n and have all of the extra premises and loop invariant, etc. But, with this hint, I should be able to get there more easily and directly.