How to match a match expression?


I am trying to write a rule for hypotheses, formulated with a help of match construction:

forall x : nat, match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 5 | S (S _) => 10 end = 5 -> x = 1
x: nat
H: match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 5 | S (S _) => 10 end = 5

x = 1

How can I match such hypotheses? The following straight forward method fails:

match goal with
| [H : match ?e with | ?a => ?x | ?b => ?y | ?c => ?z end = ?b] => idtac

> Syntax error: 'end' expected after [branches] (in [match_constr]).


Pattern-matching on match statements is somewhat weird.

The first thing you should know is that, inside Coq, there's no such thing as a match on several variables or with deep matching: everything is translated in terms of simpler match statements. Thus, the term you wrote is actually syntax sugar for the following term:

match x with
| 0 => 0
| S x' =>
    match x' with
    | 0 => 5
    | S x'' => 10

which is what Coq is hinting at when it prints your proof state. The problem is that this syntax sugar doesn't work on Ltac patterns: thus, when writing an Ltac pattern that mentions a match, you should always try to match it as if it were a one-level match.

The second problem is that you can't bind the pattern part of a match: something like

match goal with
| H : match ?x => _ | ?y => _ end = 5 |- _ => (* ... *)

doesn't really make sense in Ltac.

You have two choices for solving your problem, then:

  1. Write down the match you expect with the exact list of constructors of your type on the pattern part, e.g.

    match goal with
    | H : match x with 0 => _ | S _  => _ end = 5 |- _ => (* ... *)
  2. Use the special match (* ... *) with _ => _ end syntax, which matches any match whatsoever:

    match goal with
    | H : match x with _ => _ end = 5 |- _ => (* ... *)

Often, as in your case, one still wants to consider all branches of match, including deep ones. This idiom often comes in handy in that case:

H: 5 = 5

1 = 1