How to optimize a search in Coq


I have a simple search function for a property that I am interested in, and a proof that the function is correct. I want to evaluate the function, and use the correctness proof to get the theorem for the original property. Unfortunately, evaluation in Coq is very slow. As a trivial example, consider looking for square roots:

(* Coq 8.4
   A simple example to demonstrate searching.
   Timings are rough and approximate. *)

Require Import Peano_dec.

Definition SearchSqrtLoop :=
  fix f i n := if eq_nat_dec (i * i) n
               then i
               else match i with
                    | 0 => 0 (* ~ Square n \/ n = 0 *)
                    | S j => f j n

Definition SearchSqrt n := SearchSqrtLoop n n.

(* Compute SearchSqrt 484.
   takes about 30 seconds. *)

SearchSqrt 484 = 22
apply eq_refl. (* 100 seconds *) Qed. (* 50 seconds *)

SearchSqrt 484 = 22

22 = 22
apply eq_refl. Qed. (* 30 seconds *)
a: nat

SearchSqrt 484 = 22
apply eq_refl. (* 100 seconds *) Qed. (* 50 seconds *)
a: nat

SearchSqrt 484 = 22
a: nat

22 = 22
apply eq_refl. Qed. (* 60 seconds *)

Now try the corresponding function in Python:

def SearchSqrt(n):
  for i in range(n, -1, -1):
    if i * i == n:
      return i
  return 0

or slightly more literally

def SearchSqrtLoop(i, n):
  if i * i == n:
    return i
  if i == 0:
    return 0
  return SearchSqrtLoop(i - 1, n)

def SearchSqrt(n):
  return SearchSqrtLoop(n, n)

The function is nearly instant in Python, but takes minutes in Coq, depending on exactly how you try to call it. Also curious is that putting an extra variable in makes vm_compute take twice as long.

I understand that everything is done symbolically in Coq, and thus slow, but it would be very useful if I could directly evaluate simple functions. Is there a way to do it? Just using native integers instead of linked lists would probably help a lot.

Answer (user1861759)

You'll get a speedup if you use binary arithmetic instead of unary arithmetic. Take a look at NArith and ZArith.

You'll also get a speedup if you run your code on OCaml, Haskell, or Scheme instead.

Answer (Anton Trunov)

There is a much more efficient function for finding square roots in the standard library (sqrt):

The following square root function is linear (and tail-recursive). With Peano representation, we can't do better. For faster algorithm, see Psqrt/Zsqrt/Nsqrt...

Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.

sqrt 484 = 22
Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)
Finished transaction in 0.003 secs (0.003u,0.s) (successful)

As Time tells us it works much faster (around 200 times faster than sqrt_484a).

The reason for this performance difference lies in the fact that SearchSqrt squares its first argument on each iteration, which is an expensive operation.

sqrt's implementation, on the other hand, is based on the Odd Number Theorem (1 + 3 + 5 + ... is a square number). One just needs to count the number of increasing intervals that can be fitted into the input argument n and that would be the integer square root of n. E.g. 22 = (1 + 3 + 5 + 7) + 6, which means there are 4 intervals (of lengths 1, 3, 5, and 7) in 22, so sqrt 22 = 4 (and we are not interested in the residual value 6).