How to prove equality from equality of Some
I want to prove equality of two nat numbers in Coq:
forall a b : nat, Some a = Some b -> a = bforall a b : nat, Some a = Some b -> a = ba, b: nat
H: Some a = Some ba = b
Answer (Théo Winterhalter)
When you have an equality such as this, usually, the quickest way to go is by using the inversion tactic which will more or less exploit injectivity of constructors.
forall a b : nat, Some a = Some b -> a = bforall a b : nat, Some a = Some b -> a = ba, b: nat
e: Some a = Some ba = breflexivity. Qed.a, b: nat
e: Some a = Some b
H0: a = bb = b
The case of Some however is special enough that you might want to write it differently (especially if you want to be able to read the proof that's generated). You can write some get function for option using a default value:
Definition get_opt_default {A : Type} (x : A) (o : option A) :=
match o with
| Some a => a
| None => x
So that get_opt_default x (Some a) = a. Now using f_equal (get_opt_default a) on equality Some a = Some b you get
get_opt_default a (Some a) = get_opt_default a (Some b)
which simplifies to
a = b
forall (A : Type) (a b : A), Some a = Some b -> a = bforall (A : Type) (a b : A), Some a = Some b -> a = bA: Type
a, b: A
e: Some a = Some ba = bA: Type
a, b: A
e: get_opt_default a (Some a) = get_opt_default a (Some b)a = bexact e. Qed.A: Type
a, b: A
e: a = ba = b
This is something that can be done in general. Basically you write an extractor for your value as a function and you apply it to both sides of the equality. By computation it will yield the expected result.
Answer (Arthur Azevedo De Amorim)
The congruence tactic is powerful enough to solve this goal by itself. More generally, there are situations where you would like to derive a = b as an additional hypothesis starting from an equality H : x = y of terms that begin with the same constructor. In this case, you can call
injection H.
to extract the equalities implied by this hypothesis.
Answer (ejgallego)
I think it is instructive to write the basic lemma down:
Definition some_inj A (x y : A) (h_eq : Some x = Some y) : x = y :=
match h_eq with
| eq_refl _ => eq_refl
Actually, that seems surprising; indeed Coq is elaborating the match to help the user, and the reality is a bit more ugly, as witnessed by the term:
So indeed the return type of the match is doing quite a bit of work to tell Coq that the constructor is injective.