How to prove non-equality of terms produced by two different constructors of the same inductive in Coq?
Consider I have an inductive:
Inductive DirectSum {L R: Type}: Type :=
| Left: L -> @DirectSum L R
| Right: R -> @DirectSum L R.
How do I prove that
forall L R : Type, L -> R -> Left L <> Right R
The easy tactic is powerful enough to solve this:
Inductive DirectSum (L R: Type): Type := | Left: L -> DirectSum L R | Right: R -> DirectSum L R. Arguments Left {_ _}. Arguments Right {_ _}.easy. Qed.forall (L R : Type) (l : L) (r : R), Left l <> Right r
The reason this works, internally, is pattern matching. We can write a function that returns True on Left and False on Right. If the terms were equal, we would get True = False, which entails a contradiction.