How to provide proof that two values are different?


I am looking for an example in Coq for difference between two statements. True is equal to false and true is not equal to true. I do not find how to finish the proof, if have this expression true <> true.


Let's check a casual example when you have:

true <> false

you can just desugar the <> negation to some Prop -> False,

true <> false
H: true = false


As H is a contradiction, you can just use inversion H and finish the proof, dependently typed talking you just have to provide anti-congruence absurd between the values, in Coq it can be done with eq_rect.

true <> false
H: true = false

(* check eq_rect with Compute eq_rect *)
H: true = false
c:= fun h : if true then True else False => eq_rect true (fun x : bool => if x then True else False) h false H: (if true then True else False) -> (fun x : bool => if x then True else False) false

H: true = false
c:= fun h : True => eq_rect true (fun x : bool => if x then True else False) h false H: True -> False

exact (c I). Qed.

In your example, you just have to provide proof that true = true.

true <> true -> False
H: true <> true

H: true = true -> False

exact (H eq_refl).

true <> true -> False
contradiction. Qed.

Remember with easily you can finish any goal that has true <> true as a premise.