How to replace a term with some property of the term?


I apologize if this example is contrived, I am attempting to prove a similar Lemma with a more complex function than list_even. I wish to prove some property about a translation of a list.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.

Definition list_even (c : list nat) := map Nat.even c.

forall c : list nat, c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

The proof I came up with is as follows.

forall c : list nat, c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

[] = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), [] = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even [] = b :: list_even c2)
a: nat
c: list nat
IHc: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)
a :: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), a :: c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c2)

[] = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), [] = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even [] = b :: list_even c2)

[] = []
a: nat
c: list nat
IHc: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

a :: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), a :: c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c2)
a: nat
c: list nat
IHc: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), a :: c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c2
a: nat
c: list nat
IHc: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

exists b : bool, a :: c = [a] ++ c /\ list_even [a] = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c
(* I am stuck here. *)
a: nat
c: list nat
IHc: c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)
e: bool

exists b : bool, a :: c = [a] ++ c /\ list_even [a] = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c

If I were to prove this by hand, my argument goes as follows.

Let c = [a] :: c2, so c1 = [a]. By Nat.Even_or_Odd, a is even or it is odd. If a is even, then b = true and so

c = [a] ++ c2 /\
    list_even [a] = [true] /\
    list_even c = true :: list_even c2

If a is odd, then b = false and so

c = [a] ++ c2 /\
    list_even [a] = [false] /\
    list_even c = false :: list_even c2

which hold by simplification and reflexivity.

However, I do not know how to translate the proof state of

1 subgoal a : nat c : list nat IHc : c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2) e : bool ============================ exists b : bool, a :: c = [a] ++ c /\ list_even [a] = [b] /\ list_even (a :: c) = b :: list_even c

into one which proceeds with the evenness of a.

I also do not believe I need induction for this.


Even-ness isn't actually important to this goal, as it is just a fact about mapping. Either c is the empty list, or c is of the form c = x :: xs = [x] ++ xs so map Nat.even c = Nat.even x ++ map Nat.even xs. As such, you could have a proof like

forall c : list nat, c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)

forall c : list nat, c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)
c: list nat

c = [] \/ (exists (c1 c2 : list nat) (b : bool), c = c1 ++ c2 /\ list_even c1 = [b] /\ list_even c = b :: list_even c2)
destruct c as [|x xs]; [ left; auto | right; exists (x :: nil); do 2 eexists; repeat split; eauto ]. Qed.

However, in other cases where one needs evenness of a variable you can record it via

destruct (Nat.even x) eqn : NAT_IS_EVEN