How to specialize nested hypotheses in Coq?


I've already got the idea of specialize in Coq.

It works okay with specialize (H1 trm_int).

H1 : forall x, value x -> term x.

But what about this case

H1 : forall x, value x -> forall y, value y -> sub x y.

It doesn't work with specialize (H1 trm_int _trm_int).


specialize (H1 trm_int _trm_int) works fine with

H1 : forall x y, value x -> value y -> sub x y.

Notice the forall y appears in the second premise.


I am not sure I understand your problem. specialize will apply your hypothesis to the arguments you give it. It is not limited to forall quantifiers.

Say you have

h : nat -> bool

you can also use specialize (h 0) and you will get

h : bool

So when you have

H1 : forall x, value x -> forall y, value y -> sub x y.

and you specialise, you have to use specialize (H1 some_x some_value_x some_y) where some_x is an instance for x, some_value_x is a proof of value some_x and some_y is an instance for y.

Note that there is an alternative using with that allows you to specialise using names. Please consider the following example

(forall x : nat, x = 0 -> forall y : nat, y = x -> x = y) -> True

(forall x : nat, x = 0 -> forall y : nat, y = x -> x = y) -> True
h: forall x : nat, x = 0 -> forall y : nat, y = x -> x = y

h: 0 = 0 -> 0 = 0 -> 0 = 0


Here you will end up with

1 subgoal h : 0 = 0 -> 0 = 0 -> 0 = 0 ============================ True

But you could also give the proof directly with

h: 0 = 0 -> 0 = 0
