I need help defining a concatenation in Coq


I need to define a concatenation function, first some context, I define the set "accepts"

Inductive accepts : Set :=
| True  : accepts
| fun_m : accepts -> accepts -> accepts
| n_fun : nat -> accepts -> accepts.

Then I need to be able to manipulate a very specific subset of accepts: the first and last ones on the list, so True and n_fun only. I do it with a mix of inductive and record like this:

Inductive n_sub : accepts -> Prop :=
| a1 : n_sub True
| a2 : forall (n : nat) (A : accepts), n_sub A -> n_sub (n_fun n A).

Record sub : Set := mk_s {A : accepts ; WS : n_sub A}.

As you might see this will give me strings of natural numbers followed by True, exclusively, so I want to deal with the subset of accepts that yields n ... k True. Consider I have two of this strings, I want to define the function that sends ab... True and xy... True into ab...xy... True.

The reference B was not found in the current environment.

Clearly, this doesn't work... I have tried 100 variations of this: using the accepts directly and sending the things to void, using the record inside, mixing the accepts and the sub in different variations, etc, etc... I'm just out of ideas and need someone to help me fix this concatenate, please! Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer (jbapple)

Sometimes it is helpful to write computable predicates, rather than inductive ones (my ok, below, vs. your n_sub).

Inductive accepts :=
| valid : accepts
| fun_m : accepts -> accepts -> accepts
| n_fun : nat -> accepts -> accepts.

Fixpoint ok x :=
  match x with
  | valid => true
  | n_fun _ y => ok y
  | _ => false

Since ok is computable, you can use it for all sorts of things later you might care about, but you can also use it in proofs (see below).

Fixpoint concat x y :=
  match x with
  | valid => y
  | n_fun z zs => n_fun z (concat zs y)
  | _ => y

concat punts on non-ok input. Later, I'll show a more strictly-typed version, concatLegit.

forall x y : accepts, ok x = true -> ok y = true -> ok (concat x y) = true

forall x y : accepts, ok x = true -> ok y = true -> ok (concat x y) = true
induction x; auto. Qed. Definition legit := { x : accepts & ok x = true }.
x, y: legit

x, y: legit

x: accepts
p: ok x = true
y: legit

x: accepts
p: ok x = true
y: accepts
q: ok y = true

x: accepts
p: ok x = true
y: accepts
q: ok y = true

ok (concat x y) = true
apply concatOk; auto. Defined.
concatLegit = fun x y : legit => let (x0, p) := x in let (y0, q) := y in existT (fun x1 : accepts => ok x1 = true) (concat x0 y0) (concatOk x0 y0 p q) : legit -> legit -> legit

Answer (galas)

The problem here is that you are trying to pattern-match on a thing whose type lives in Prop to generate something of type accepts which lives in Set. This is not allowed by Coq's type system. What you have to do is pattern-match on the things of type accepts and then use the properties to dismiss the impossible cases.

Here I'll use the interactive mode. This allows me to only define the part of the computation I am interested in using refine and leaving blank (using _) the parts I will deal with later on.

Because some irrelevant branches might appear when inspecting A0, I need to generalise the return type: instead of building an accepts, I'll build a proof that n_sub a -> accepts where a is whatever A0 was matched to.

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
a, a0: accepts

n_sub (fun_m a a0) -> accepts
concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
n: nat
A0': accepts
Hn_fun: n_sub (n_fun n A0')
n_sub A0'

I now am left with two proofs: I need to define the case I left empty but that is rather easy: the assumption n_sub (fun_m a a0) is contradictory! I can prove False by inverting it:

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
a, a0: accepts

n_sub (fun_m a a0) -> accepts
concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
a, a0: accepts
Hf: n_sub (fun_m a a0)

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
a, a0: accepts
Hf: n_sub (fun_m a a0)

inversion Hf.

Now, I have to prove that n_sub A0' holds given the assumption Hn_fun that n_sub (n_fun n A0') holds true. Once more inversion will do the trick:

concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
n: nat
A0': accepts
Hn_fun: n_sub (n_fun n A0')

n_sub A0'
concatenate: forall A0 A1 : accepts, n_sub A0 -> n_sub A1 -> accepts
A0, A1: accepts
x: n_sub A0
y: n_sub A1
n: nat
A0': accepts
Hn_fun: n_sub (n_fun n A0')
n0: nat
A: accepts
H0: n_sub A0'
H: n0 = n
H1: A = A0'

n_sub A0'

And that's it! The tricky part here is to identify the hypothesis that needs to be generalised and use the appropriate as ... return ... in the dependent pattern-matching. The rest is made quite convenient by the use of the interactive mode and the help of refine to build incomplete proof terms.