Improving dependently typed reverse function
Here is the code I have thus far:
Section ilist. Variable A: Set. Inductive ilist: nat -> Set := | Nil : ilist O | Cons : forall {n}, A -> ilist n -> ilist (S n). (* not sure how to use in irev_aux *)A: Setforall n i2 : nat, ilist (n + S i2) = ilist (S n + i2)A: Setforall n i2 : nat, ilist (n + S i2) = ilist (S n + i2)A: Set
n, i2: natilist (n + S i2) = ilist (S n + i2)reflexivity. Defined.A: Set
n, i2: natilist (n + S i2) = ilist (n + S i2)A: Set
n, i2: nat
l: ilist (n + S i2)ilist (S n + i2)assumption. Defined. Fixpoint irev_aux {i1 i2} (ls: ilist i1): ilist i2 -> ilist (i1 + i2) := match ls in ilist i1' return (ilist i2 -> ilist (i1' + i2)) with | Nil => fun rev => rev | Cons h t => fun rev => same_length' _ _ (irev_aux t (Cons h rev)) end.A: Set
n, i2: nat
l: ilist (n + S i2)ilist (n + S i2)A: Set
n: nat
l: ilist (n + 0)ilist nA: Set
n: nat
l: ilist (n + 0)ilist nassumption. Defined. Definition irev n (ls: ilist n): ilist n := same_length'' n (irev_aux ls Nil). End ilist.A: Set
n: nat
l: ilist nilist n
This works! Which is an improvement from my previous attempts :) But there are a couple less than desirable aspects that I'd like to try and refine.
First, having a bunch of proofs hanging out to munge equivalent types seems...annoying. Basically, same_length, same_length', same_length''. Perhaps this is an issue with how I defined irev_aux, but I tried some definitions and others required a type level match which seemed about as annoying.
I tried using refine, but got a type there a way to invoke refine, where you then have to prove that the types are in fact equivalent? In a sense that's what I did, but who wants those lemmas hanging out.
Beyond that, I realize there are probably ways to get rid of the equality lemmas, but I'm curious how I can make use of same_length. I've seen cases of matching on equality proofs before to get the typer to unify types...I tried that here but it didn't seem to work.
There is no way of programming irev without a cast. This is one of the many reasons why Coq users generally avoid indexed data types like this :)
Here is one possibility for writing this function:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Definition cast {A B: Set} (e: A = B): A -> B := match e with eq_refl => fun x => x end. Section ilist. Variable A: Set. Inductive ilist: nat -> Set := | Nil : ilist O | Cons : forall n, A -> ilist n -> ilist (S n). Fixpoint irev_length i1 i2: nat := match i1 with | 0 => i2 | S i1 => irev_length i1 (S i2) end. Fixpoint irev_aux i1 i2 (ls: ilist i1): ilist i2 -> ilist (irev_length i1 i2) := match ls with | Nil => fun rev => rev | Cons h t => fun rev => irev_aux t (Cons h rev) end. Fixpoint irev_length_plus i1 i2: irev_length i1 i2 = i1 + i2 := match i1 with | 0 => eq_refl | S i1 => eq_trans (irev_length_plus i1 (S i2)) (Nat.add_succ_r _ _) end. Definition irev i (l: ilist i) := cast (f_equal ilist (eq_trans (irev_length_plus i 0) (Nat.add_comm _ _))) (irev_aux l Nil). End ilist.
If you want to prove anything about irev, the easiest is probably to convert the indexed lists to normal lists and reasoning about reversal of normal lists. Fun exercise: try showing that irev is its own inverse.