Inductive definition for family of types


I have been struggling on this for a while now. I have an inductive type:

Definition char := nat.
Definition string := list char.

Inductive Exp : Set :=
| Lit  : char -> Exp
| And  : Exp -> Exp -> Exp
| Or   : Exp -> Exp -> Exp
| Many : Exp -> Exp.

from which I define a family of types inductively:

Inductive Language : Exp -> Set :=
| LangLit     : forall c : char, Language (Lit c)
| LangAnd     :
  forall r1 r2 : Exp, Language(r1) -> Language(r2) -> Language(And r1 r2)
| LangOrLeft  : forall r1 r2 : Exp, Language(r1) -> Language(Or r1 r2)
| LangOrRight : forall r1 r2 : Exp, Language(r2) -> Language(Or r1 r2)
| LangEmpty   : forall r : Exp, Language (Many r)
| LangMany    :
  forall r : Exp, Language (Many r) -> Language r -> Language (Many r).

The rational here is that given a regular expression r : Exp I am attempting to represent the language associated with r as a type Language r, and I am doing so with a single inductive definition.

I would like to prove:

forall (c : char) (x : Language (Lit c)), x = LangLit c

(In other words, the type Language (Lit c) has only one element, i.e. the language of the regular expression 'c' is made of the single string "c". Of course I need to define some semantics converting elements of Language r to string)

Now the specifics of this problem are not important and simply serve to motivate my question: let us use nat instead of Exp and let us define a type List n which represents the lists of length n:

Parameter A : Set.
Inductive List : nat -> Set :=
| ListNil  : List 0
| ListCons : forall n : nat, A -> List n -> List (S n).

Here again I am using a single inductive definition to define a family of types List n.

I would like to prove:

forall x : List 0, x = ListNil

(in other words, the type List 0 has only one element).

I have run out of ideas on this one.

Normally when attempting to prove (negative) results with inductive types (or predicates), I would use the elim tactic (having made sure all the relevant hypothesis are inside my goal (generalize) and only variables occur in the type constructors). But elim is no good in this case.


If you are willing to accept more than just the basic logic of Coq, you can just use the dependent destruction tactic, available in the Program library (I've taken the liberty of rephrasing your last example in terms of standard-library vectors):

Require Coq.Vectors.Vector.

Require Import Program.

A: Type
v: Vector.t A 0

v = Vector.nil A
A: Type
v: Vector.t A 0

v = Vector.nil A
now dependent destruction v. Qed.

If you inspect the term, you'll see that this tactic relied on the JMeq_eq axiom to get the proof to go through:

Axioms: JMeq_eq : forall (A : Type) (x y : A), x ~= y -> x = y

Fortunately, it is possible to prove l0 without having to resort to features outside of Coq's basic logic, by making a small change to the statement of the previous lemma.

A: Type
n: nat
v: Vector.t A n

match n return (Vector.t A n -> Prop) with | 0 => fun v : Vector.t A 0 => v = Vector.nil A | S n0 => fun _ : Vector.t A (S n0) => True end v
A: Type
n: nat
v: Vector.t A n

match n return (Vector.t A n -> Prop) with | 0 => fun v : Vector.t A 0 => v = Vector.nil A | S n0 => fun _ : Vector.t A (S n0) => True end v
now destruct v. Qed.
A: Type
v: Vector.t A 0

v = Vector.nil A
A: Type
v: Vector.t A 0

v = Vector.nil A
exact (l0_gen A 0 v). Qed.

We can see that this new proof does not require any additional axioms:

Closed under the global context

What happened here? The problem, roughly speaking, is that in Coq we cannot perform case analysis on terms of dependent types whose indices have a specific shape (such as 0, in your case) directly. Instead, we must prove a more general statement where the problematic indices are replaced by variables. This is exactly what the l0_gen lemma is doing. Notice how we had to make the match on n return a function that abstracts on v. This is another instance of what is known as "convoy pattern". Had we written

match n with
| 0 => v = @Vector.nil A
| _ => True

Coq would see the v in the 0 branch as having type Vector.t A n, making that branch ill-typed.

Coming up with such generalizations is one of the big pains of doing dependently typed programming in Coq. Other systems, such as Agda, make it possible to write this kind of code with much less effort, but it was only recently shown that this can be done without relying on the extra axioms that Coq wanted to avoid including in its basic theory. We can only hope that this will be simplified in future versions.

A: I also find this alternative proof by apply: eq_dep_eq; move E: {1 2}0 v => iz v; case: iz / v E. useful sometimes. Indeed, eq_dep and similar tricks can be very useful when working with dependent types.