Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?


I am trying to develop a programming style that is based on preventing bad input as soon as possible. For example, instead of the following plausible definition for the predecessor function on the natural numbers:

Definition pred1 n :=
  match n with
  | O   => None
  | S n => Some n

I want to write it as follows:

n: nat
p: n = 0
q: n <> 0

n: nat
p: n = 0

n = 0
exact p. Qed.
The following term contains unresolved implicit arguments: (fun (n : nat) (q : n <> 0) => match n with | 0 => let p : n = 0 := ?e in match nope n p q return nat with end | S n0 => n0 end) More precisely: - ?e: Cannot infer this placeholder of type "n = 0" in environment: n : nat q : n <> 0

But I have no idea what to replace _ with. My intuition suggests me that there must be some assumption : n = O available in the | O => branch. Does Coq indeed introduce such an assumption? If so, what is its name?


Coq doesn't automatically introduce such hypothesis, but you can introduce it explicitly by using the full form of the match construction:

Definition pred2 n (q : n <> O) :=
  match n as n' return n = n' -> nat with
  | S p => fun _ => p
  | O   => fun Heq => match q Heq with end
  end (eq_refl n).


  • return introduces a type annotation with the type of the whole match ... end expression;

  • as introduces a variable name that can be used in this type annotation and will be substituted with the left hand side in each branch. Here,

    • in the first branch, the right hand side has type n = S p -> nat;

    • in the second branch, the right hand side has type n = O -> nat. Therefore, q Heq has type False and can be matched.

More information in the reference manual, in the chapter on Extended pattern-matching.