Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
I'm currently trying to write a tactic that instantiates an existential quantifier using a term that can be generated easily (in this specific example, from tauto). My first attempt:
Ltac mytac :=
match goal with
| |- (exists (_ : ?X), _) =>
cut X; [ let t := fresh "t" in intro t; exists t; firstorder | tauto ]
This tactic will work on a simple problem like
mytac. Qed.X: Setexists f : X -> X, f = f
However it won't work on a goal like
X: Setexists f : X -> X, forall x : X, f x = xX: Set
t: X -> X
x: Xt x = x
Here I would like to use this tactic, trusting that the f which tauto finds will be just fun x => x, thus subbing in the specific proof (which should be the identity function) and not just the generic t from my current script. How might I go about writing such a tactic?
Answer (Tej Chajed)
It's much more common to create an existential variable and let some tactic (eauto or tauto for example) instantiate the variable by unification.
On the other hand, you can also literally use a tactic to provide the witness using tactics in terms:
Ltac mytac := match goal with | [ |- exists (_ : ?T), _ ] => exists (ltac:(tauto) : T) end.X: Setexists f : X -> X, f = fX: Setexists f : X -> X, f = fauto. Qed.X: Set(fun H : X => H) = (fun H : X => H)
You need the type ascription : T so that the tactic-in-term ltac:(tauto) has the right goal (the type the exists expects).
I'm not sure this is all that useful (usually the type of the witness isn't very informative and you want to use the rest of the goal to choose it), but it's cool that you can do this nonetheless.
Q: Do you happen to know if there are more powerful tactics for finding unifiers? Just playing around a bit it seems that the eexists + eauto/tauto approach doesn't work on something with multiple instantiations like
X: Set
exists f g : X -> X, forall x : X, f (g x) = x
or something a touch trickier like
forall X Y : Set,
Y -> exists f : X -> Y, forall x x' : X, f x = f x'
(the needed unifier being fun _ => y)
Answer (eponier)
You can use eexists to introduce an existential variable, and let tauto instantiates it.
This give the following simple code.
eexists; tauto. Qed.X: Setexists f : X -> X, forall x : X, f x = x