Local Inductive definitions and Theorems


I'm using a couple of Inductive definitions as counter examples in some proofs. I would however like to encapsulate these definitions by enclosing them in a Section. Regular Definitions can be hidden using Let, but is this also possible for Inductive definitions? And how about Theorems?

Let me give the actual thing I'm trying to achieve, as I may be going about it totally the wrong way in the first place. I want to formalize all the proofs and exercises of the excellent book "Logics of Time and Computation" by Robert Goldblatt into Coq.

For starters we take classical logic as that is what the book does as well.

Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.

Next we define identifiers the same way it is done in Software Foundations.

Inductive id : Type := Id : nat -> id.

Definition of the syntax.

Inductive modal : Type :=
| Bottom : modal
| V : id -> modal
| Imp : modal -> modal -> modal
| Box : modal -> modal.

Definition Not (f : modal) : modal := Imp f Bottom.

Definition of the semantics using Kripke frames.

(* Inspired by: www.cs.vu.nl/~tcs/mt/dewind.ps.gz *)
Record frame : Type :=
  { Worlds : Type
  ; WorldsExist : exists w : Worlds, True
  ; Rel : Worlds -> Worlds -> Prop }.

Record kripke : Type :=
  { Frame : frame
  ; Label : (Worlds Frame) -> id -> Prop }.

Fixpoint satisfies (M : kripke) (x : Worlds (Frame M)) (f : modal) : Prop :=
  match f with
  | Bottom => False
  | V v => Label M x v
  | Imp f1 f2 => satisfies M x f1 -> satisfies M x f2
  | Box f => forall y : Worlds (Frame M), Rel (Frame M) x y -> satisfies M y f

The first lemma relates the modal Not to the one of Coq.

forall (M : kripke) (x : Worlds (Frame M)) (f : modal), satisfies M x (Not f) = (~ satisfies M x f)

forall (M : kripke) (x : Worlds (Frame M)) (f : modal), satisfies M x (Not f) = (~ satisfies M x f)
auto. Qed.

Next we lift the semantics to complete models.

Definition M_satisfies (M : kripke) (f : modal) : Prop :=
  forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f.

And we show what it means for the Not connective.

forall (M : kripke) (f : modal), M_satisfies M (Not f) -> ~ M_satisfies M f

forall (M : kripke) (f : modal), M_satisfies M (Not f) -> ~ M_satisfies M f

forall (M : kripke) (f : modal), (forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w (Not f)) -> ~ (forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f)
M: kripke
f: modal
Hn: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w (Not f)
Hcontra: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f

M: kripke
f: modal
Hn: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w (Not f)
Hcontra: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f
x: Worlds (Frame M)
H: True

M: kripke
f: modal
x: Worlds (Frame M)
Hn: satisfies M x (Not f)
Hcontra: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f
H: True

M: kripke
f: modal
x: Worlds (Frame M)
Hn: satisfies M x (Not f)
Hcontra: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f

M: kripke
f: modal
x: Worlds (Frame M)
Hn: ~ satisfies M x f
Hcontra: forall w : Worlds (Frame M), satisfies M w f

M: kripke
f: modal
x: Worlds (Frame M)
Hn: ~ satisfies M x f
Hcontra: satisfies M x f

auto. Qed.

Here comes the thing. The reverse of the above lemma does not hold and I want to show this by a counter example, exhibiting a model for which it doesn't hold.

Inductive Wcounter : Set := x1 : Wcounter | x2 : Wcounter | x3 : Wcounter.

exists _ : Wcounter, True

exists _ : Wcounter, True

constructor. Qed. Inductive Rcounter (x : Wcounter) (y : Wcounter) : Prop := | E1 : x = x1 -> y = x2 -> Rcounter x y | E2 : x = x2 -> y = x3 -> Rcounter x y. Definition Lcounter : Wcounter -> id -> Prop := fun x i => match x with | x1 => match i with | Id 0 => True | _ => False end | x2 => match i with | Id 1 => True | _ => False end | x3 => match i with | Id 0 => True | _ => False end end. Definition Fcounter : frame := Build_frame Wcounter Wcounter_not_empty Rcounter. Definition Kcounter : kripke := Build_kripke Fcounter Lcounter.

Next an Ltac that relieves me from typing verbose asserts.

Ltac counter_example H Hc :=
  match type of H with
  | ?P -> ~ ?Q => assert (Hc: Q)
  | ?P -> (?Q -> False) => assert (Hc: Q)
  | ?P -> ?Q => assert (Hc: ~Q)

Finally I use this counter example to prove the following Lemma.

~ (forall (M : kripke) (f : modal), ~ M_satisfies M f -> M_satisfies M (Not f))

~ (forall (M : kripke) (f : modal), ~ M_satisfies M f -> M_satisfies M (Not f))

exists n : kripke, ~ (forall f : modal, ~ M_satisfies n f -> M_satisfies n (Not f))

~ (forall f : modal, ~ M_satisfies Kcounter f -> M_satisfies Kcounter (Not f))

exists n : modal, ~ (~ M_satisfies Kcounter n -> M_satisfies Kcounter (Not n))

~ (~ M_satisfies Kcounter (V (Id 0)) -> M_satisfies Kcounter (Not (V (Id 0))))

~ (~ (forall w : Worlds (Frame Kcounter), satisfies Kcounter w (V (Id 0))) -> forall w : Worlds (Frame Kcounter), satisfies Kcounter w (Not (V (Id 0))))

~ (~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

exists n : Wcounter, ~ (Lcounter n (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

~ (Lcounter x1 (Id 0) -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False

~ (True -> False)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)

Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)

forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)

(forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)

~ Lcounter x2 (Id 0)
Hcontra: ((forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0)) -> False) -> forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False
Hn2: ~ (forall w : Wcounter, Lcounter w (Id 0) -> False)

~ False
auto. Qed.

Preferably I would have used the remember tactic to define the counter example inside the proof, but I don't think it can be used for the Inductive definitions. All the definitions relating to the counter example are exported as part of my theory, which I prefer not to do. It is only used in the proof of M_not_satisfies_Not. Actually I would not even want to export this Lemma either as it is not very useful. I only put it there to argue that M_satisfies_Not can not be an equivalence.


Section doesn't hide definitions, use Module instead. For example put the counter example in a module.

Module CounterExample.
  Import Definitions.
  Inductive Wcounter : Set := x1 | x2 | x3.
  Lemma M_not_satisfies_Not : ...
End CounterExample.

At this stage, only CounterExample is defined at the top level.

If you don't want that either, then you could just put the definitions in one .v file and the counter example in another file that imports the definitions. Actually, the way it works is that .v files are turned into individual modules.