Matching expression context under forall with Ltac


Say I have the following definitions in Coq:

Inductive Compare := Lt | Eq | Gt.

Fixpoint compare (x y : nat) : Compare :=
  match x, y with
  | 0, 0   => Eq
  | 0, S _ => Lt
  | S _, 0 => Gt
  | S x', S y' => compare x' y'

Now consider this lemma:

forall x : nat, (forall z : nat, match compare x z with | Lt | _ => False end) -> nat -> False

forall x : nat, (forall z : nat, match compare x z with | Lt | _ => False end) -> nat -> False
x: nat
H: forall z : nat, match compare x z with | Lt | _ => False end
y: nat


At this point proof state looks like this:

1 subgoal x : nat H : forall z : nat, match compare x z with | Lt | _ => False end y : nat ============================ False

I'd like to write Ltac match goal that will detect that:

  1. there is a hypothesis x : nat that is used as an argument to compare somewhere inside a quantified hypothesis H

  2. and there is some other hypothesis of type nat - namely y - that can be used to specialize the quantified hypothesis.

  3. and once we have those two things specialize H to y

I tried doing it like this:

match goal with
| [ X : nat, Y : nat, H : forall (z : nat), context[compare X z] |- _ ] =>
    specialize (H Y)

But there are at least two things that are wrong with this code:

  1. Using context under a forall seems disallowed.

  2. I can't figure out a correct way to pass X as argument to compare in a way that it is recognized as something that exists as a hypothesis.

Answer (Yves)

If you want to check that X occurs in the quantified hypothesis H, it suffices to check that it occurs in H after it is instantiated with any value that does not contain X. For instance, you can instantiate H with Y by simply writing the application of H as a function to Y. Here is my proposal:

x, y: nat
H: match compare x y with | Lt | _ => False end


This Ltac text really checks that H is a function. If you want to be more precise and state that H should really be a universal quantification (or a product type), then you can check that the type of (H Y) also contains Y, as in the following fragment:

x, y: nat
H: match compare x y with | Lt | _ => False end


Q: Can you explain the meaning of match type? Is this documented anywhere in Coq manual?

A: Here you have the combination of two constructs of the Ltac language. match ... with and type of. If you write match H with you only look at the symbol H, on the other hand, if you want to observe the hypothesis statement, you have to look at its type. This is documented in section 9 of the manual.

Answer (Daniel Schoepe)

This doesn't quite do what you are asking for, but it's somewhat close:

x, y: nat
H: match compare x y with | Lt | _ => False end


However, this does not check that the second argument to compare matches the z that is bound by the forall.