Merge duplicate cases in match Coq
I have come by this problem many times: I have a proof state in Coq that includes matches on both sides of an equality that are the same.
Is there a standard way to rewrite multiple matches into one?
match expression_evaling_to_Z with
| Zarith.Z0 => something
| Zarith.Pos _ => something_else
| Zarith.Neg _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
And if I destruct on expression_evaling_to_Z I get two identical goals. I would like to find a way to get only one of the goals.
Answer (ejgallego)
A standard solution is to define "a view" of your datatype using a type family that will introduce the proper conditions and cases when destructed. For your particular case, you could do:
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Inductive zero_view_spec : Z -> Type := | Z_zero : zero_view_spec Z0 | Z_zeroN : forall z, z <> Z0 -> zero_view_spec z.z: Zzero_view_spec znow destruct z; [constructor|constructor 2|constructor 2]. Qed.z: Zzero_view_spec zz: Zmatch z with | 0%Z => 0 | _ => 1 end = 0z: Zmatch z with | 0%Z => 0 | _ => 1 end = 0Abort.0 = 0z: Z
n: z <> 0%Zmatch z with | 0%Z => 0 | _ => 1 end = 0
This is a common idiom in some libraries like math-comp, which provides special support for instantiating the z argument of the type family.
Answer (Anton Trunov)
You can write the match expression more succinctly:
match expression_evaling_to_Z with
| Z0 => something
| Zpos _ | Zneg _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
But that will give you 3 subgoals when using destruct.
In this particular case we may use the fact that you actually need to distinguish the zero and non-zero cases, and it looks like a job for the Z.abs_nat : Z -> nat function.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
match Z.abs_nat (expression_evaling_to_Z) with
| O => something
| S _ => something_else
end = yet_another_thing.
This will get you only two subcases, but you need to destruct on Z.abs_nat (expression_evaling_to_Z) or introduce a new variable. If you choose the 1st variant, then you'll probably need destruct (...) eqn:Heq. to put the equation into context.
Basically this approach is about finding a new datatype (or defining one) and a suitable function to map from the old type to the new one.
Answer (larsr)
If you don't mind typing you can use replace to replace the RHS with the LHS of your goal, which makes it trivial to solve, and then you just have to prove once that the rewrite is indeed ok.
Open Scope Z.a, b: Zmatch a + b with | 0 => a + b | _ => b + a end = a + b(* 1. replace the RHS with something trivially true *)a, b: Zmatch a + b with | 0 => a + b | _ => b + a end = a + ba, b: Zmatch a + b with | 0 | _ => a + b end = a + ba, b: Za + b = b + adestruct (a + b); auto.a, b: Zmatch a + b with | 0 | _ => a + b end = a + bapply Z.add_comm. Qed.a, b: Za + b = b + a
Perhaps you can use some Ltac-fu or other lemma to not have to type in the RHS manually too.