mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat


Consider this example:

Inductive T :=
| foo : T
| bar : nat -> T -> T.

Recursive definition of evalT is ill-formed. In environment evalT : T -> nat evalBar : T -> nat -> nat t : T n : nat x : T Recursive call to evalBar has principal argument equal to "n" instead of "x". Recursive definition is: "fun t : T => match t with | foo => 1 | bar n x => evalBar x n end".

Coq rejects it.

I understand that termination checker got confused by two unrelated inductive types (T and nat). However, it looks like the function I am trying to define will indeed terminate. How can I make Coq accept it?

Answer (eponier)

Another solution is to use a nested fixpoint.

Fixpoint evalT (t : T) {struct t} : nat :=
  match t with
  | foo => 1
  | bar n x => let fix evalBar n {struct n} :=
                   match n with
                   | 0 => 0
                   | S n' => evalT x + evalBar n'
               in evalBar n

The important point is to remove the argument x from evalBar. Thus the recursive call to evalT is done on the x from bar n x, not the x given as an argument to evalBar, and thus the termination checker can validate the definition of evalT.

This is the same idea that makes the version with nat_rec proposed in another answer work.

Answer (krokodil)

One solution I found is to use nat_rec instead of evalBar:

Fixpoint evalT (t : T) {struct t} : nat :=
  match t with
  | foo => 1
  | bar n x => @nat_rec _ 0 (fun n' t' => evalT x + t') n

It works but I wish I could hide nat_rec under evalBar definition to hide details. In my real project, such construct is used several times.