Pose proof in Coq
I'm trying to prove a theorem in Coq. My current context is:
F, Ps and C are relations of the theory. I've also Axiom 4:
Axiom A4 : forall x s t, Ps s x /\ F x s /\ Ps t x /\ F x t -> s = t.
What I want to do, is to use A4 in the proof, as it will help me to say that s and t are equals. So I've tested: pose proof (A4 x s t). A new hypothesis is added: H : Ps s x /\ F x s /\ Ps t x /\ F x t -> s = t. I know I can destruct the hypothesis H, prove the premisses and use the conclusion. But I also know that I can give the premisses directly in the pose proof command. I want to do something like pose proof (A4 x s t Premisses). But I don't know what to put instead of Premisses.
I tried several solutions:
composing the hypothesis with /\, such as pose proof (A4 x s t (Pssx /\ Fxs /\ Pstx /\ Fxt)). but I got the error
using the assert command and pose proof (A4 x s t H1).:
assert (H1 := (Ps s x) /\ (F x s) /\ (Ps t x) /\ (F x t)). but I got
assert (H1 := (Pssx) /\ (Fxs) /\ (Pstx) /\ (Fxt)). but I got
So my question is the following: what should I put instead of Premisses for my code to work? Is there a command to create new hypothesis based on other ones? I know how to destruct an hypothesis into two smaller hypothesis, but I don't know how to compose hypothesis to create bigger ones.
The standard in Coq would be to curry your A4 so that instead of receiving one large conjunction as a premise, it receives several different premises:
Axiom A4' : forall x s t, Ps s x -> F x s -> Ps t x -> F x t -> s = t.
Then you can do:
s, t, x: Entity
Pssx: Ps s x
Fxs: F x s
IPssx: F x s /\ Ps s x
Ctss: C t s s
Pstx: Ps t x
Fxt: F x t
H: s = tC s s s
If you absolutely need A4 with the conjunctions, you can use conj (which you can find with Print "_ /\ _"):
s, t, x: Entity
Pssx: Ps s x
Fxs: F x s
IPssx: F x s /\ Ps s x
Ctss: C t s s
Pstx: Ps t x
Fxt: F x t
H: s = tC s s s