Problems with missing information in Obligations when defining using Program in Coq


I am new to Coq and trying to figure out how to use Program to more easily define things and then solve obligations, however, sometimes I am left with obligations that cannot be solved because some information have been lost.

If for example I define the following (a bit contrived but the simplest example I could think of), then the function f if a function that takes two identical even numbers and return the double of that number.

Program Definition f {n : nat} (k1 k2 : {j : nat | j + j = n}) :
  {j : nat | j = n} := k1 + k2.
k1, k2: nat

k1 + k2 = k2 + k2

The problem is that, when I start solving the first obligation, this is what I am left with

1 subgoal k1, k2 : nat ============================ k1 + k2 = k2 + k2

witch can clearly not be solved, as I have lost the information about k1 + k1 = k2 + k2, and I am left proving that two arbitrary natural numbers are equal.

Why does this happen, and what do you do in that situation to make Coq remember "all the assumptions"?


This the work of the program_simpl tactic, which is the default Obligation Tactic applied whenever you open an Obligation (and also to completely solve obligations before you open them). You can turn it off by setting it to idtac. If that's too drastic, you can just throw away its results if it fails to solve the obligation outright (so obligations that can be solved automatically are).

Require Import Psatz.

#[local] Obligation Tactic := try now program_simpl.
#[program] Definition f {n : nat} (k1 k2 : {j : nat | j + j = n}) :
  {j : nat | j = n} := k1 + k2.

forall (n : nat) (k1 k2 : {j : nat | j + j = n}), (fun j : nat => j = n) (proj1_sig k1 + proj1_sig k2)
n, k1: nat
e: k1 + k1 = n
k2: nat
e0: k2 + k2 = n

proj1_sig (exist (fun j : nat => j + j = n) k1 e) + proj1_sig (exist (fun j : nat => j + j = n) k2 e0) = n
(* program_simpl is responsible for the usual automatic intros, but now we have to do it *)
n, k1: nat
e: k1 + k1 = n
k2: nat
e0: k2 + k2 = n

k1 + k2 = n
lia. Qed.