Proving increasing iota in Coq


I am stuck on a goal.

Assume we have the following definition:

Fixpoint iota (n : nat) : list nat :=
  match n with
  | 0   => []
  | S k => iota k ++ [k]

I use these two lemmas, proofs omitted:

Axiom app_split : forall A x (l l2 : list A),
    In x (l ++ l2) -> not (In x l2) -> In x l.
Axiom s_inj : forall n, ~(n = S n).

And we want to prove:

forall n : nat, In n (iota n) -> False

So far, I have managed to the following:

forall n : nat, In n (iota n) -> False

forall n : nat, In n (iota n) -> False
n: nat
H: In n (iota n)

H: In 0 (iota 0)

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota (S n))
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H: In 0 (iota 0)

H: False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota (S n))
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n)
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
~ In (S n) [n]
n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

~ In (S n) [n]
n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

In (S n) [n] -> False
n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: In (S n) [n]

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: n = S n \/ False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: n = S n

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: False
n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: n = S n

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: n = S n
H1: n <> S n

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n ++ [n])
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False
H0: False

apply H0.
n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n)
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n)
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

n: nat
H: In (S n) (iota n)
IHn: In n (iota n) -> False

In n (iota n)

However, I am completely stuck, I need to somehow show that: In n (iota n) assuming In (S n) (iota n).


As you've observed the fact that the n in In n and the one in iota n are in lockstep in your statement makes the induction hypothesis hard to invoke (if not completely useless).

The trick here is to prove a more general statement than the one you are actually interested in which breaks this dependency between the two ns. I would suggest:

forall n k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False

forall n k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: 0 <= k
kin: In k (iota 0)

n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota (S n))
k: nat
nlek: 0 <= k
kin: In k (iota 0)

cbn in kin; contradiction.
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota (S n))

n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)

n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n ++ [n])
~ In k [n]
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)

n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)

n <= k
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)
In k (iota n)
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)

n <= k
transitivity (S n); eauto.
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n)

In k (iota n)
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n ++ [n])

~ In k [n]
k: nat
H: In k [k]
kin: In k (iota k ++ [k])
nlek: S k <= k
IHn: forall k0 : nat, k <= k0 -> In k0 (iota k) -> False

n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n ++ [n])
H: In k [n]
H0: In k []
k: nat
H: In k [k]
kin: In k (iota k ++ [k])
nlek: S k <= k
IHn: forall k0 : nat, k <= k0 -> In k0 (iota k) -> False

apply (Nat.nle_succ_diag_l _ nlek).
n: nat
IHn: forall k : nat, n <= k -> In k (iota n) -> False
k: nat
nlek: S n <= k
kin: In k (iota n ++ [n])
H: In k [n]
H0: In k []

contradiction. Qed.

from which you can derive t1 as a corollary:

forall n : nat, In n (iota n) -> False
intro n; apply (t n n); reflexivity. Qed.

If you want to peek at the proof of t, you can have a look at this self-contained gist

Q: Interesting - how does one get the intuition for when something's impossible to prove with its current formulation - is it that either some of the assumptions or the inductive hypothesis would be directly (or indirectly) in contradiction with the conclusion? Or is there a notion of "not sufficient / strong" enough inductive hypothesis? How can one tell? (This is obvious once you show me, but figuring this out myself...)

A: Experience mostly. But whenever two things are in lockstep or one value is fixed to be a constant and that prevents you from using the induction hypothesis, that's a strong smell that you may want to look for a more general statement. This blog post sets up a number of exercises where you have to generalize the induction hypothesis to make it work. You may want to look into it.