Proving that s-expressions printing is injective
I defined a type of s-expressions and it's printing functions.
Inductive sexp : Set := K : string -> list sexp -> sexp. Fixpoint sexpprint (s : sexp) : list string := match s with K n l => ["("%string]++[n]++(List.concat (map sexpprint l))++[")"%string] end.
(Yes, I understand it can be just string, not the list of strings, but Coq have small amount of theorems for working with strings, but a big amount for working with lists.)
(* more usual function *) Fixpoint sexpprint' (s:sexp) :string := match s with K n l => "(" ++ n ++ (String.concat "" (map sexpprint' l)) ++ ")" end.
And I've got stuck trying to prove this theorem:
s1, s2: sexp
sexpprint s1 = sexpprint s2 -> s1 = s2
Maybe there are some sources which can help me to plan the theorem's proof? (books/articles/codes) How to prove it? (Maybe I need a special kind of inductive principle, could you formulate its statement?)
The type sexp is an example of a nested inductive type, where one of the recursive occurrences appears inside of another induction. Such types are hard to work with in Coq, because the induction principles that it generates by default are not useful. However, you can fix this issue by writing down your own induction principle by hand. Here is one possibility:
Unset Elimination Schemes. Inductive sexp : Type := | K : string -> list sexp -> sexp. Set Elimination Schemes. Definition tuple (T : sexp -> Type) (es : list sexp) := fold_right (fun e R => T e * R)%type unit es. Definition sexp_rect (T : sexp -> Type) (H : forall s es, tuple T es -> T (K s es)) : forall e, T e := fix outer (e : sexp) : T e := match e with | K s es => let fix inner (es : list sexp) : tuple T es := match es return tuple T es with | [] => tt | e :: es => (outer e, inner es) end in H s es (inner es) end. Definition sexp_ind (T : sexp -> Prop) := sexp_rect T.
With this induction principle, it is now possible to prove your lemma (exercise!), but you will need to generalize its statement a bit.
For a deeper discussion about these nested inductives, you can have a look at CPDT.