Reasoning about lists in Coq


I'm try to solve some theorems, based on Pierce's "Software Foundations".

First of all I create a couple of useful functions:

Inductive natlist : Type :=
| nil : natlist
| cons : nat -> natlist -> natlist.

Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l) (at level 60, right associativity).

Fixpoint repeat (n count : nat) : natlist :=
  match count with
  | O => nil
  | S count' => n :: (repeat n count')

Fixpoint length (l : natlist) : nat :=
  match l with
  | nil => O
  | h :: t => S (length t)

forall n : nat, length (repeat n n) = n

forall n : nat, length (repeat n n) = n
n: nat

length (repeat n n) = n

length (repeat 0 0) = 0
n': nat
IHn': length (repeat n' n') = n'
length (repeat (S n') (S n')) = S n'

length (repeat 0 0) = 0
n': nat
IHn': length (repeat n' n') = n'

length (repeat (S n') (S n')) = S n'
n': nat
IHn': length (repeat n' n') = n'

S (length (repeat (S n') n')) = S n'

I want to follow Pierce's advice:

Note that, since this problem is somewhat open-ended, it's possible that you may come up with a theorem which is true, but whose proof requires techniques you haven't learned yet. Feel free to ask for help if you get stuck!

So, could you please advice some proof techniques for me?

A (eponier): The two arguments of repeat do not have the same meaning at all. In particular, in your theorem, the values of the list are not important. You should try to prove a more general lemma using distinct variables for the values and the length.


As @eponier said, you should try to prove a more general lemma, like

forall m n : nat, length (repeat n m) = m

Using repeat n n creates an implicit link between the value of the element and the size of the list which makes your statement impossible to prove directly. Once you proved count_repeat_gen, you'll be able to prove your theorem.