Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
Class Action (Actor: Type) (Acted: Type) := { act : Actor -> Acted -> Acted; someProof: forall (a: Actor), a = a; }.forall a : nat, a = aauto. Qed.forall a : nat, a = aforall (n : nat) (l : list nat), act n l = (n :: l)%listforall (n : nat) (l : list nat), act n l = (n :: l)%listn: nat
l: list natact n l = (n :: l)%list(** I cannot unfold it, since I have someProof. If I remove this, this unfold works **)n: nat
l: list nat(let (act, _) := natListAction in act) n l = (n :: l)%listAbort.n: nat
l: list nat(let (act, _) := natListAction in act) n l = (n :: l)%list
What I actually want is this: because I know that act resolves to natListAction, I know that act = cons. Hence, the lemma should go through.
If I do not have the someProof in my Action class, then I can unfold natListAction and stuff works. But now, I am unable to do so.
However, how do I convince coq that act = cons in this case?
I found the answer on another SO thread: Coq: unfolding typeclass instances.
Ending the Proof section with a Qed makes it opaque. Instead, end the proof with a Defined and it will go through.
For the sake of completeness, here is the final proof:
Class Action (Actor: Type) (Acted: Type) := { act : Actor -> Acted -> Acted; someProof: forall (a: Actor), a = a; }.forall a : nat, a = aauto. (** vvv Notice the change! this is now "Defined" vvv **) Defined.forall a : nat, a = aforall (n : nat) (l : list nat), act n l = (n :: l)%listforall (n : nat) (l : list nat), act n l = (n :: l)%listn: nat
l: list natact n l = (n :: l)%listn: nat
l: list nat(let (act, _) := natListAction in act) n l = (n :: l)%listreflexivity. Qed.n: nat
l: list nat(n :: l)%list = (n :: l)%list
A: Observe that reflexivity alone is enough to do the proof.
Q: ah, nice. Because reflexivity simplifies things?
A: Correct. reflexivity is a pretty complex tactic with lots of fallbacks. So it can do intros and the rest of it follows by computation, which includes unfoldings a.k.a. delta reduction.
A: Technically, the reason reflexivity can solve this is because (a) reflexivity does intros, and (b), the term fun n l => eq_refl typechecks as a proof of your theorem. It is not that reflexivity is doing delta reduction here, but that judgmental equality is modulo delta.